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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - December 2022
Updated On: Jan 12, 2023

Unions form coalition to coordinate bargaining with United Airlines
Dec. 7, 2022 
| Airline unions representing 78,000 workers at United Airlines, including 10,000 Teamster maintenance technicians, announced the launch of the United Airlines Union Coalition today. Together with the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), the IAMAW District 141, the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l, and the Professional Airline Flight Control Association (PAFCA), the Teamsters will coordinate closely on bargaining and other issues. "The old adage says, 'It takes a village'," said General President Sean M. O'Brien. "United, we are stronger. We have each other’s backs always and will take on the fight together."

Victory for Teamster Retirees: Central States Pension Fund awarded $36B
Dec. 8, 2022 
| Nearly 350,000 Teamster retirees are celebrating today over an announcement that the Central States Pension Fund (CSPF) will be granted $36 billion by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. The grant ensures they will enjoy their full pension benefits for the rest of their lives. The grant was made possible by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021. Rank-and-file Teamsters held rallies, made hundreds of visits to elected officials, and made thousands of phone calls to ensure their pensions would be secure. "This is an issue of fairness — of this country keeping its word to hardworking, honest people who did everything they were supposed to do in life," said Teamsters General President Sean M. O'Brien. Teamsters

Tell Congress to increase funding for the NLRB
Dec. 14, 2022 
| The National Labor Relations Board is struggling to meet its goals as an agency. It needs more funding or it won’t be able to fully do its job protecting the right of workers to bargain collectively. Every other worker protection agency in the government has received funding increases over the years; the NLRB has not seen an increase since 2014. Congress can fix this problem now. Congress must pass a government spending bill by December 16. Tell your representatives that the bill must fully fund the National Labor Relations Board. Click here to take action.

UPS drivers: Protect yourself – sign the 9.5 list
Dec. 20, 2022 
| You have until January 5th to sign up on the 9.5 list and protect yourself from excessive overtime. The 9.5 list gives drivers the right to file grievances over pay when they are worked more than 9.5 hours more than twice a week. When UPS violates 9.5 rights, Article 37 of the National Master Agreement calls for the company to reduce the driver’s workload and pay triple time – instead of time and a half – for time worked in excess of 9.5 hours in a day. Talk to your shop stewards to get signed up on the list.

ABF Freight bargaining surveys are out
Dec. 20, 2022 
| The Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee wants to hear from you! Earlier this month, a letter was mailed to all members at ABF with instructions for a new electronic bargaining survey. The Freight Division encourages all ABF Teamsters to participate to help the negotiating committee secure the strongest contract possible in 2023! It only takes a few minutes to fill out on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Surveys are completely confidential and an important step going into national contract negotiations, so make sure your voice is heard. Follow the sign-in instructions provided in the letter and click here to take the survey today.

Teamsters Local 355
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