Local 507 Retirees: Giving Back, Getting More
They might be retired from work but that doesn’t mean they’re retired from life.
Retirees from Local 507 in Cleveland make it a point to be active, involved and engaged—especially when it comes to issues that affect their union brothers and sisters. When Ohio needed 230,000 signatures to repeal SB5, the anti-worker legislation on the November ballot, Teamster retirees helped collect the 1.3 million signatures that were delivered. And they’re at it again.
On September 15, more than 400 retirees attended a quarterly luncheon where they heard from state Sen. Tom Patton and learned what they could to do stop voter suppression. “The message I took away from Sen. Patton is it doesn’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat. It’s about doing the right thing,” said Local 507 retiree Charles Smith. “Tom Patton comes from a working background and he fights for working families. That’s what’s important.”
Read the full story at TeamsterMagazine.com