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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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Nov/Dec 2018 Newsletter
Posted On: Jan 17, 2019

Brothers and Sisters,

Once again, it's hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!

Upcoming important dates:
November 4...…Time to turn your clocks back one hour
November 6 …..Election Day
November 11....Veterans Day
November 22....Thanksgiving
November 23... Black Friday
December 7.......Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
December 10....Last day to get your party envelopes in
December 20... Retirees Christmas Party
December 25.....Christmas Day
December 31.... New Year's Eve

Websites for Veterans Day Freebies:

Check out: Donate your old phones for our service personnel. When you go on this website, they offer ways to donate your old cell phones. When checking out drop off places, call and make sure that the places still take phones. There were some places in my area that didn't. If you can't find a drop off place, bring them to the retirees meeting and I will drop them off for you.

Pumpkin Pie Dip for your Fall enjoyment 
This healthy recipe comes from NDSU Extension Service. One serving of this dip provides half of your daily recommendation for vitamin A, which is necessary for good skin and eye health. Serve with crunchy apples for a seasonal treat.

 1 (8-oz.) package low-fat cream cheese (softened) 
3/4 c. canned pumpkin (unsweetened) 
3 Tbsp. sugar 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 

Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl with a spoon or spatula. Serve with apple slices or graham crackers.
Makes 12 servings. Per Serving: about 60 calories, 3 grams (g) of fat, 6 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein and 70 mg sodium

The hall for our parties is the UAW Hall at 1010 South Oldham Street. It's near the corner of South Oldham Street and O’Donnell Street, right behind the BP station. The hall is right off the Boston Street exit of Route 95 (new tunnel) and the O’Donnell Street exit of Route 895 (old tunnel).

   The Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 20. There are some changes that have been made: 
   1) The hours for the parties are now 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (instead of noon to 4 p.m.), and
   2) NO ONE will be allowed in the hall until 20 minutes prior to the start of the party. Start getting your envelopes in. There were some of you that did not attend the summer party. Because you did not notify us that you would not be attending, we cashed your check. You will have to submit a new check to attend the Christmas Party. Remember that your check should be $25 for one person and $50 for two people. No cash. 
You will get your check back at the party. They have to be received by Monday Dec. 10. There will be a cake wheel and a money wheel. We need volunteers for both of the wheels. Please bring cakes for the cake wheel; thank you in advance.

New Members: Jack Trail (Sun Papers) 
Sick Members: Tyrone Howard, Jesse R. Taylor, Perry Conway, George Booker, Willie Webb, Ernie Shipley, Norman Scott, Ernest Boritz
Deceased Members: Ray Rodney (UPS) James Dennis (Food Fair) Remember to keep these members and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

   The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 15, in the Sullivan Hall at Teamsters Local 355, 1030 S. Dukeland St., Baltimore, MD. Remember, there will be no meeting in December due to the Christmas party. Coffee and donuts are served at 9:30 a.m., the Executive Board meets at 10 a.m., and the General Meeting begins at 11 a.m. A light lunch is served following the General Meeting. Hope to see you there. Remember to bring another retiree with you.

Bob Eney, President

Teamsters Local 355
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