Dec. 16, 2013
Last summer, Bridget Diveley, daughter of UPS package driver Scott Diveley, was invited to submit a drawing of her favorite Christmas thing for the annual Miracle Tie Collection, a partnership between Johns Hopkins Children Center (JHCC) and Baltimore-based men's retailer, Jos. A. Bank.
Her snowman (right) is among 12 of this season's creations designed by young patients at the Johns Hopkins Children Center.
Five-year-old Bridget received a life-saving heart transplant at JHCC when she was two. A random virus had attacked her heart. She spent many months in the pediatric intensive care unit.
The line of distinguished men's neckwear are available at all Jos. A. Bank stores and online. They are currently on sale online.
Since the program started in 1995, the Miracle Collection has raised more nearly $1 million, which has helped to make little patients' stay at the pediatric trauma center a whole lot more comfortable.
Below: Scott Diveley, wife Jennifer, and children Bridget, Andrew and Allison during a November 6, 2013, press conference at the Jos. A. Bank store in Towson, Md., when the men's retailer presented John Hopkins Children Center with a $60,000 check from the 2012 Miracle Tie sales proceeds.