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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - July 2022
Updated On: Aug 15, 2022

23,000 Teamster freight train engineers voting on strike authorization
July 5, 2022 If the authorization passes, it would give the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen (BLET) leadership the OK to call a strike should one become necessary to settle the current national contract dispute with the nation’s largest rail carriers. Key issues are erratic and long hours, pay, job safety, and health protection—especially against coronavirus—and rail carriers’ constant push for one-person crews on all freight trains. The struggle with the carriers is important because railroads are key carriers of bulk freight—from oil and gas to cars and corn—in the nation’s increasingly strained supply chain... People’s World  Ballots were mailed on June 24 and must be returned on July 12... Teamsters

Carhaul members ratify national agreement 
July 12, 2022 Teamster carhaulers ratified a new National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement (NMATA) today, securing the most lucrative carhaul contract in Teamster history. The contract addresses members’ top priorities and establishes a national organizing model. All three regional supplemental agreements were also ratified. Ballots were counted before an independent observer, and the agreement was ratified by a 63 to 37 percent margin. Voter turnout was the highest in years… Details here.

Teamster Freight Division leaders hold TForce strategy meeting 
July 12, 2022 (Click image to enlarge.) The Freight Division held a strategy meeting Monday, June 11, 2022, in Washington to discuss the upcoming TForce Freight negotiations. National Freight Director John A. Murphy and Assistant Director Danny Avelyn are working with regional coordinators on how to best address members' concerns under a strong new agreement. "I want to know what's best for the members—and what they care most about in this agreement," Murphy said. "I want to know everything they want to get them a contract that puts members first.” IBT Photo: Mark Garey, second from left, is Local 355 Recording Secretary and IBT TForce Freight Co-Chairman for the Eastern Region. More photos here.

Biden names board to help end freight railroad, union contract disputes
July 18, 2022 Biden signed an order on Friday ahead of a deadline to intervene in nationwide U.S. railroad labor talks covering 115,000 workers or open the door to a potential strike or lockout that could threaten an already fragile economy and choke supplies of food and fuel... Reuters Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman welcomed President Joe Biden’s decision today to officially appoint a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) to help thousands of union rail workers secure a strong contract... Teamsters

Ring Doorbell Video Shows UPS Driver Collapse in Extreme Arizona Heat
July 21, 2022 An Arizona homeowner is sharing video of a UPS driver collapsing in front of his door in a bid to warn people to stay safe in the extreme heat the state has been experiencing for more than a month. The Ring video shared by Scottsdale resident Brian Enriquez shows the delivery person walking slowly to the front door. As he bends down to put down a package, the delivery man falls over and lands in a sitting position, where he sits for a little while before lying down on the porch. NBC News The Teamster Union responds: “Teamsters demand UPS protect drivers amid record heat…”

Virtual Townhall: 'Workers Standing Up and Fighting Back'
July 26, 2022 General President Sean M. O’Brien, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) President Sara Nelson will headline a virtual townhall Wednesday night at 8 pm ET where they will take on Amazon, UPS, and all of Big Business who are holding workers down. Tune in at live.berniesanders.comVia Teamsters on Facebook 

Warehouse Division: Webinar to Update Members
July 29, 2022 A division-wide webinar call will be held for all Warehouse Division members on Sunday, July 31 at 1 pm ET. General President Sean M. O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer will be on the call to provide an update on the future of the Warehouse Division. Click here to register.

Public Services Division: Webinar to Update Members
July 29, 2022 A division-wide webinar will be held for all Public Services Division members on Sunday, July 31 at 12 pm ET. General President Sean M. O’Brien will provide an important update for Teamsters employed in the public sector. Click here to register.

Teamsters Local 355
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