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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - August 2013
Updated On: Sep 18, 2013

Re the UPS contract and UPS Freight negotiations
August 5, 2013 | The national UPS agreement was approved last month by a Teamster majority, however 17 supplements and rider were not. Until all of them have been approved, wage and benefit increases, language improvements and the increase in the starting wage for part-timers cannot be implemented. Read the full IBT update here. The UPS Freight National Negotiating Committee met July 31st in Arlington, VA to discuss issues and concerns that the members have raised with the TA that was rejected. Read the update here.

Daniel James Hall, Sr., 1968-2013
August 6, 2013 | Local 355 mourns the July 12, 2013, sudden passing of UPS employee and Local 355 shop steward Daniel James Hall, Sr. while he was vacationing at his cabin on the Maryland shore. Employed by UPS since 1990, Dan worked in pre-load at the Baltimore hub. He is remembered for his humor and common sense. "Dan had a unique way of working things out. He will be sorely missed by members and management alike. His death is a loss for us all," A Baltimore Ravens fan and martial arts enthusiast, Dan also supported the Catonsville Recreation and Parks. A Memorial Gathering was held in Catonsville on Friday, July 19, 2013. He is survived by his parents, Robert and Rosemary Hall; brother John D. Hall and his wife Veronica; son Daniel Hall Jr. and daughter Gabrielle Hall; former spouse, Patricia Hall; and companion, Heather. Click to leave an online condolence.

NuStar Traffic Department employees choose Teamsters
August 9, 2013 | Local 355 welcomed employees who work in the Traffic Department of NuStar following a successful 3-month organizing campaign. Their vote was for respect and dignity on the job. "Compared to the company's unionized coworkers, we experienced a tremendous amount of disparity in the way we were treated," said Michelle Hopkins (left), a NuStar employee for nearly five years. "The company found the weakest link in our department and would regularly gang up on her. It needed to stop. We came together to support her and each other and now as Teamsters, we'll have the bargaining power to address such issues as harassment, bullying and intimidation." Local 355 organized the operators and maintenance workers in 1998. Business Agent Chip Elgert said bargaining for the newly organized workers will begin August 14th.

Court rules short-haul drivers exempt from rest-break requirement
August 11, 2013 | The U.S. Court of Appeals in D.C. affirmed last week the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) 2011 hours-of-service rules for drivers except for a provision that requires a 30-minute break for short-haul drivers. Bottom line: If you're a short-haul driver, you are no longer required to comply with the FMCSA 30-minute rest break rule. If you're a long-haul driver, you must continue to comply with the regulation. If you have questions, see your supervisor or shop steward.

Highlights of the DHL tentative national agreement available
August 12, 2013 | Leaders from 26 Teamster local unions that represent DHL members met in Washington, D.C., last week, and overwhelmingly approved the tentative master agreement and supplements. The TA, unanimously endorsed by the negotiating committee, maintains a strong health, welfare and pension package and provides wage increases, among other gains. Ballot materials, including the supplements and local riders, will be mailed to members on or about Wednesday, Aug. 21. Ballots must be returned to the Lanham, Maryland, post office no later than 10 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11. Click here for highlights of the tentative master agreement. Click here for the August 12 DHL contract update.

Mazda to become Port of Baltimore's newest customer
August 13, 2013 | PRESS RELEASE (Baltimore, MD) — Zoom Zoom! That's the sound that soon will be heard at the Port of Baltimore when Mazda North American Operations (MNAO) arrives in September. Mazda becomes the Port of Baltimore's newest auto customer after agreeing to a five-year contract with auto processor Amports that will bring approximately 65,000 vehicles a year to Maryland from its assembly plants in Japan. The vehicles will be handled at the Amports-owned Chesapeake Auto Terminal. The addition of Mazda will help to create 450 new jobs, including 160 direct jobs. Read the full Maryland Port Administration press release at 355 News.

IBT Essay Contest Topic: What would you say to someone who says...
August 20, 2013 | "Unions were important at one time, but we don't need them anymore."
Teamster kids can win cash for class by writing a response in essay form and submitting it for consideration to win one of 50 $1,000 James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarships. The applicant must meet these eligibilty requirements, complete this application and forward it to the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund office by September 30, 2013. Good luck!

Wage increase, other improvements await passage of area supplements
August 22, 2013 |
The provisions of the UPS National Master Agreement approved in June, including a 70-cent per hour wage increase, were negotiated to take effect August 1. Members may have noticed the raises have not been reflected in their paychecks yet. That's because the national agreement does not take effect until all regional supplements and riders have been approved. The IBT provides details in this UPS update. Also, UPS members are not impacted by the company's decision to eliminate healthcare coverage for spouses of nonunion employees.

Members approve 5 of the 7 remaining supplements
August 29, 2013 |
The national master portion of the ABF National Master Freight Agreement has previously been approved, but will not take effect until the status of the two remaining supplements is resolved. For the latest updates, click on the "ABF Contract Update" button in "Current Campaigns" down on the lower right column of this page.

Teamsters Local 355
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