November/December Newsletter
Brothers and Sisters:
Well, once again it's that time of the year that many of us despise. It's getting closer to winter, and we have to set our clocks back November 1. Gee, it'll be dark at 4:30! We have been informed that the local is in the process of setting up a Web page, and we will have a link for the retirees. This should be done by the first of the year. Hopefully, we can get our own website soon afterwards.
We have the Christmas Party and the holidays coming up. The Christmas Party will be held at the Town & Country Hall in Lansdowne. The date is December 17th, noon to 4:00 p.m., and the envelopes have to be ready by December 7th. Don't forget your cakes for the cake wheel. We need volunteers to run the cake wheel. Please see brother Frank Supoit if you can help.The fall golf tournament at Westminster National was a success. The tournament was won by a foursome of retirees: Vern Williams, Gerry Wheaton, Carroll Sadler, Sr. and Henry Shimko. We can always use more golfers for our Spring outing – place and date yet to be decided.
Thanks to Brother Bob Marshall for the information about the Secretary of Veteran Affairs Office establishing service connection in association about Agent Orange. This pertains to any veteran who was in Vietnam. More information can be found at
Dates of interest coming up are:
Nov. 1: Set your clocks back one hour
Nov. 11: Veterans Day - this should be a major holiday
Nov. 26: Thanksgiving
Dec. 7: Pear Harbor Day
Dec. 25: Christmas
New member: Ted Lesniewski (UPS)
Sick members: Ed Jackson, Charles Singleton, Charlie Kurtz
Deceased members: Toney Trent (Leaseway), William O'Connell (Mountainside)
Please keep these members in your thoughts and prayers.
The November meeting will be held on Thursday the 19th in the Sullivan Hall at Teamsters Local #355, 1030 South Dukeland Street in Baltimore. Remember to bring another member with you to the meeting. Hope to see you then!
Bob Eney
ARM President
P.S. On behalf of the executive board, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
