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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - September 2019
Updated On: Oct 11, 2019

A Labor Day message from General President Hoffa
Sept. 2, 2019 The American labor movement is responsible for many things we take for granted—the weekend, the 40-hour workweek and anti-child labor laws to name a few. Today, our movement is reinvigorated and working for other profoundly important things: securing wages and benefits that working families deserve and retirees earned, the continued existence of the middle class, and respect and dignity for all working people. I’m proud that the Teamsters Union is at the forefront of this effort. But make no mistake, working families are still being attacked and scapegoated. Corporate-backed politicians have mounted the most vicious anti-union attacks in memory. The labor movement, and the Teamsters Union in particular, is alive and well and is still forcing change… Continued at Teamsters

Retired members: This month's newsletter is posted
Sept. 3, 2019 The September/October 2019 newsletter highlighting "50 Things Everyone Should Know" or, "50 Completely Useless Facts," is posted under the link, Retirees. Enjoy!

Hoffa: Empowering workers now through 2020
Sept. 4, 2019 This Labor Day, unions like the Teamsters find themselves in a strong position. The public’s support of the labor movement is as strong as it’s been in the last 16 years. There is an understanding by a sizable majority in this country that hardworking Americans deserve higher pay and greater respect on the job. But to ensure that continues, workers need to stand up for their rights. That’s why the Teamsters Union, some 1.4 million members strong, is currently weighing all the candidates seeking the U.S. presidency in 2020 for a possible endorsement. To earn it, those seeking to become the nation’s chief executive will have to prove that they side with workers. In an effort to get presidential contenders on the record about the topics workers care about, this union is training members and retirees … Teamsters

CANCELED: Local 355 motorcycle run 
Sept. 5, 2019 Due to the low number of registrations received in advance of Saturday's scheduled event, we've canceled the bike run.

Jack Cooper's last, best and final offer approved 
Sept. 9, 2019 An overwhelming majority of the Teamster members working at carhauler Jack Cooper have approved the company’s Last, Best and Final Offer aimed at saving 2,200 union carhaul jobs. "I want to thank all our Jack Cooper members who took the time to vote on this Restructuring Term Sheet,” said Kevin Moore, Director of the Teamsters Carhaul Division. “Approving this Term Sheet is one key piece for Jack Cooper to emerge from bankruptcy as a healthier company. That, along with substantial debt reduction and new cash investment, should better position Jack Cooper to stabilize and maintain customers and our jobs.” The final vote count will be published at a later date.

DHL Express clerks strike: 'Union members deserve union benefits'
Sept. 12, 2019 A group of office clerical staff at DHL Express in Hanover, Maryland, walked off the job early this morning over the company’s refusal to allow the workers to participate in the same Health & Welfare plan as the other Local 355 members employed as courier drivers at DHL Express. Negotiations between Local 355 and DHL broke down in the face of the company’s insistence that the workers instead accept a costly high-deductible health plan. The company also refuses to agree to allow the clerical workers to participate in the same pension program as the drivers... 355 News

How a 3-person strike in B’more is taking Philly workers off the job
Sept. 18, 2019 The power of a strike lies in its ability to cripple a company’s operations. So when three clerical workers at a DHL facility outside of Baltimore went on strike last week because of a dispute over benefits, it might not have sounded like a big deal. But those workers are represented by the Teamsters, whose members have the right to “honor a picket line” of their fellow DHL colleagues if the picket line shows up outside their workplace. And on Monday, the Baltimore picket line did show up, in Southwest Philly, which meant that about 100 DHL workers didn’t cross the line and instead, went home… The Philadelphia Inquirer

Teamsters stand in solidarity with Amazon workers joining climate strike
Sept. 20, 2019 | More than 1,500 members of Amazon Employees for Climate Justice (AECJ) are joining the Youth Climate Strike and walking out of work to demand that Amazon management “take responsibility for the impact that our business has on the planet and on people.” It’s no coincidence that Amazon announced its “Climate Pledge” right before this walkout. This initial victory reaffirms what we know to be true – when workers come together, we have real power and this is only the beginning. Throughout the history of our union, we have seen again and again that when workers have a voice in how their companies do business, they can make transformative changes to make workplaces and communities safer, healthier and more sustainable… Teamsters

Local 355 strike at DHL strike resolved *
Sept. 20, 2019 Updated 9/23 A week-long strike by three DHL clerical workers represented by Local 355 has been resolved. The employees unanimously approved on Friday an improved offer of settlement from the company that addressed the employees’ concerns about health care. All employees have returned to work. The clerks will be covered by the National Master DHL Agreement. In addition, under the Local Union rider, they will receive wage increases, improved vacation leave, additional sick and personal days, and participation in the Teamsters 355 Health Plan in 2020. Local 355 Principal Officer Denis Taylor stated, “I’m proud of these members for taking a stand and staying strong.  I’m also thankful to the other members of Local 355, Local 107 and Local 500 that honored the strikers’ picket line." Photo: At September's membership meeting, Business Agent Mark Garey, second from left, with clerks Dan DiMarcello, James Gekas, and Tijani ("TJ") Tajudeen.

Baltimore Sun delivery drivers approve new contract
Sept. 24, 2019 | Following a long and hard-fought round of negotiations that included numerous contract extensions and the unfortunate passing of Business Agent Jim Deene, Local 355 Baltimore Sun drivers have ratified a successor contract with a duration through December 31, 2022. Highlights include wage increases, monies to Health & Welfare, and Pension contributions over the term of the agreement. It also includes additional bid jobs and shift guarantees along with other contract language beneficial to the bargaining unit. “It was a very tough situation that we were put in with the passing of Jim Deene in the middle of negotiations,” Business Agent John Moylan said. “But the committee worked hard to get through and get this deal done.” Negotiations on behalf of the paper’s pressmen continue.

Teamsters Local 355
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