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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - June 2013
Updated On: Jul 10, 2013

Important ballot info for UPS Package members
June 4, 2013 | Some of the packets of ballots mailed to UPS Package members contain a return envelope that says "UPS Freight" on the front. Please be assured that all these will be counted in the UPS Package Referendum with the appropriate supplements and riders. The envelopes contain a unique identification code and the ballots are not only color coded, they are clearly marked as to which Agreement the ballots are for. There is no need to request a replacement ballot. Read this.

UPS, UPS Freight members get factual info at new contracts review meetings
June 8, 2013 | Local 355 members employed by UPS Package and UPS Freight attended contract review meetings held over the weekend of June 1st and 2nd. The meetings were conducted in Baltimore and Salisbury to ensure that as many members as possible could attend. The two contracts cover more than 1,660 Local 355 Teamsters and 250,000 Teamsters nationwide. Teamsters National Negotiating Committee member and Local 355 President Denis Taylor presided over the meetings, assisted by Vice President Erv Williams and Business Agents Eric Wood (UPS) and Mark Garey (UPS Freight). At the request of members in attendance, Taylor went through each of the language changes to both tentative agreements. An in-depth question-and-answer segment followed the end of each section. Read more here(L-R) Members at UPS Package (Hunt Valley) Kevin Warfield, Wenedell Sutton, Willy Shamel and John Ravern attend the contract review meeting in Baltimore on June 1st.

Helpful union tips for members are posted every Monday
June 10, 2013 | Information that can help you understand how the union works and your role in it is avaialble right here on this website. What a contract campaign is, how the bargaining process works, the unwritten laws of the workplace, your role in the grievance and arbitration process and more is over on the left under the Members drop down menu. Stewards will find information under the Shop Stewards tab that will increase their effectiveness as the Teamster representative on their shop.

Union Plus benefits for Teamsters
June 20, 2013 | Because you are an IBT union member or union retiree, you and your family are automatically eligible for Union Plus benefits. Why pay more? As a Teamster, you qualify for many union-only deals and discounts on numerous services or products with savings that could add up to more than $4,000 a year. Learn more about your Union Plus savings and discounts here.

UPS and UPS Freight ballot return count begins today
June 21, 2013 | The IBT elections officer's team has counted the number of ballots that were picked up from the Post Office yesterday and there are currently a 35% return rate from UPS members. However, ballots will continue to be picked up for three Local Unions for the next several days. It is expected that the final return rate will be similar to the rate from the last ratification referendum 5 years ago. Although the number of return ballots from UPS Freight have not been counted yet, the return rate is expected to be a bit higher than at UPS. The election officer has begun opening and counting ballots by Local and region.

Final ballot results from UPS and UPS Freight are available
June 25, 2013 | The IBT has posted the final results from the vote count for the UPS and UPS Freight referendums. Local 355 members approved both master contracts. Nationally, the UPS master freight agreement is approved but the UPS Freight agreement is rejected. View UPS results by Local Union here. View UPS Freight results by Local Union are here.

Good news for members in 401(k) plans
June 25, 2013 | For those of you who have access to and are taking advantage of your employer-based 401(k) plan, you are probably paying less for your mutual funds than retail investors. The Dept. of Labor's Employees Benefits Security Administration reports that in a recent study from the Investment Company Institute finding that 401(k) plan participants in mutual funds tend to hold lower-cost funds, and that the expenses plan participants have incurred for investing in mutual funds have declined substantially in the past 15 years. For helpful information about timelines in retirement planning, click here.

Members rejected the UPS Freight agreement. So what's next?
June 26, 2013 | According to an IBT release issued today, the Teamsters National UPS Freight Negotiating Committee will be scheduling negotiations with UPS Freight soon in order to address member concerns. That agreement, which covers about 10,000 union-represented workers, will then need to be voted on again by the members. Stay tuned.

Members approve ABF master agreement, some supplements *
June 28, 2013 | The IBT has reported that Teamsters employed at ABF Freight System, Inc. approved the national master portion of the ABF National Master Freight Agreement and 21 of 27 supplements. The Teamsters negotiating committees responsible for the supplements that were not approved will be talking with the members in those areas to work on obtaining majority member approval. All local/area supplement agreements must be approved by members before the national agreement can be implemented. Note: The Maryland/DC Supplement was approved.
Updates are available here.

Revised process to sell Allied approved by bankruptcy court
June 28, 2013 | On Wednesday, June 19, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Sontchi approved revised motions by Allied Systems Holdings that establishes a process for interested parties to bid on Allied and bring it out of bankruptcy. Additionally, Judge Sontchi approved replacement debtor-in-possesion (DIP) financing by Black Diamond and Spectrum to fund Allied through the sales process. More information here.

Teamsters, UPS agree to extend current UPS national contract
June 28, 2013 | The Teamsters Union and UPS have agreed to an extension of the current UPS National Master Agreement and all Supplements, Riders and Addenda. The extension does not have a specific end date, but can be terminated by either side with a 30-day notice. This means that all of the current Agreements will remain in place until the Supplements that did not receive a majority of votes have been re-voted and agreed to. Any increases in wages, pensions and health and welfare contributions that were agreed to in the new National Master Agreement will be made retroactively to August 1, 2013 but will not take effect until the Supplements have been re-voted and agreed to. In addition, UPS has agreed not to implement the increase in retiree contributions to retiree health insurance on August 1, 2013 as set forth in letters that were sent out to Retirees in December of 2012.

Teamsters Local 355
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