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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - June 2016
Updated On: Jul 13, 2016

Teamsters take their fight for justice to David's Bridal customers
June 7, 2016 | Several Teamsters local unions last weekend alerted David's Bridal about the company's unsustainable debt and terrible customer service record. US Foods is co-owned by Wall Street firm CD&R, a private equity company that also owns David's Bridal, the wedding dress/wedding services retail chain. It's not just ownership that US Foods and David's Bridal have in common… More about why this matters here.

Midwest Teamsters win surprise victory, force gov't not to slash their pensions
June 8, 2016 | In a stunning demonstration of the power of grassroots organizing, retired Teamster union members across the Midwest have forced the federal government to back down on plans to slash pensions on thousands of retired workers. Karen Friedman, executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based Pension Rights Center, credited an effective media relations effort and constituent-contact campaign from grassroots retiree groups in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and elsewhere, for blocking the cuts…

USF strike line extended to Minneapolis
June 8, 2016 | This afternoon 325 drivers, warehouse, yard and maintenance workers and office staff who are members of Local 120 refused to cross our extended picket lines. They join US Foods workers in New Jersey, Indiana, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, Illinois, New York, and Ohio who took similar action last month. Other actions took place across Southern California and in Phoenix in May. In all, more than 2,800 Teamster brothers and sisters have either gone out on strike or honored our picket lines at some time since the company forced us to walk out April 28th in an unfair labor practices strike. Thank you, Minneapolis!! Photos here…

US Foods, one of two Teamster locals reach agreement over warehouse closure
June 10, 2016 | US Foods and at a Severn distribution center have reached an agreement over the planned closure of the facility, the company said Thursday. Members of Local 570 ratified the agreement Wednesday night, the company said in a statement… Denis Taylor, president of Teamsters Local 355, said Thursday that US Foods drivers represented by that local have not reached an agreement with the company and continue to picket. "We're still hoping to reach an agreement," Taylor said. Note: The fight with US Foods in Baltimore and elsewhere is not over. Local 355's strike line remains in place, and other strategic actions will continue until US Foods comes to a fair and just agreement with the union.

Union's leafletting campaign takes port misclassification fight national
June 13, 2016 | Members of the Teamsters union, in their constant battle to end truck driver misclassification, are taking part in a national leafletting action at XPO/Con-way terminals. The action coincides with recent strikes at the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach and in San Diego, where misclassification is rampant. Earlier this month, the Teamsters called on the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach to ban trucking companies who misclassify employees…

New Penn golfers take first place in 2016 Spring Tournament
June 16, 2016 | Fifty-three active members and retirees participated in the Local’s bi-annual golf event at the Hog Neck Golf Course in Easton, Md. Winners, photos and gallery link here.

Teamsters make history negotiating with FedEx Freight for first time contract
June 17, 2016 | The Teamsters Union made history yesterday when it met with representatives of FedEx Freight to kick off contract negotiations for Local 107 workers in the Philadelphia area. It is the first time the union sat down with a FedEx operating unit for talks. Today, Local 71 in Charlotte will begin negotiation with FedEx Freight, where drivers in Charlotte, N.C. voted to join Local 71.

Members of Local 705 in Illinois honor our US Foods picket line
June 20, 2016 | The 133 drivers who are members of Local 705 at the US Foods distribution facility in Bensenville, Ill. refused to cross our extended picket line. They join US Foods workers in New Jersey, Indiana, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, Illinois, New York, Ohio, and Minnesota who took similar action over the last month. More at

Rolling strikes continue across nation as US Foods strike enters 7th week
June 21, 2016 | Last night we moved our picket line back to Swedesboro, New Jersey (the metro Philadelphia area). Yesterday we brought our line to US Foods in Bridgeport, New Jersey, where Locals 107 and 169 honored our picket line. We're still here! And we'll be here until US Foods comes to a fair and just agreement with Local 355. Meanwhile, a huge thank-you! to our 355 brothers and sisters at UPS, UPS Freight, ABF, DHL, Penn Fibre, Burris Foods, Piedmont, Acme Paper, the Baltimore Sun – and to many retirees who have joined us on the line since we hit the street April 27th on a ULP strike. Thanks also to Teamsters all around the nation who are expressing their support and showing solidarity. A shout out to Anne Arundel County firefighters (Local 1563) for the delicious barbecue chicken wings; members of Unite Here (Local 7) who brought coffee and donuts then spent the day walking the line with us; and the people in the Severn neighborhood and surrounding community who are supporting us with coffee, cold cuts, and other goodies that help keep us energized and our spirits up. #‎USFoodsStrike #‎Solidarity Check out our Foodservice Teamsters Fight for Justice page on Facebook.

US Food’s attack on workers is an attack on veterans
June 24, 2016 | For more than 25, years, Abel has worked in the warehouse at US Foods’ facility in Phoenix. In recent months he and his coworkers have walked picket lines for their own contract and in solidarity with other US Foods workers… He is also a veteran, but he’s had to do a lot more fighting at US Foods than he ever did in the US military. For veterans like Abel, US Foods’ corporate greed is especially offensive: “I went to the Marines right after high school and after four years I went to US Foods where I have been working ever since. But what US Foods doesn’t seem to understand is that in peacetime and in wartime, we serve our country so that companies like US Foods can operate, to keep America safe for business. The company’s greed is a disservice to workers and veterans like me who have worked so hard to serve US Foods.”

Talk of political power, global solidarity dominates at International Convention
June 29, 2016 | Politics and policy were front and center during the first day of the Teamsters 29th International Convention in Las Vegas as thousands of Teamsters lauded the union’s support for a platform that calls for more infrastructure investment and election contributions by members while calling out lawmakers who would ship jobs overseas or hamper collective bargaining. Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa told attendees the last five years have been a time of success for the union. The second day focused on global solidarity and building worker power through organizing in key industries, and covered a number of priorities for workers. Delegates also passed resolutions yesterday on executive pay/Capital Strategies; freight organizing; warehouse organizing; and port organizing. Nominations took place for At Large Vice Presidents and Trustees... (IBT photo/Local 355 President Denis Taylor) More at

Convention delegates join in show of solidarity, support
June 30, 2016 | Yesterday, Teamsters at the union's 29th International Convention united behind a Teamster family in Akron, Ohio, and pledged more than $1.4 million to help fund a drug treatment facility. The facility will honor the son of Local 24 President Travis Bornstein, who died of a prescription-drug overdose in 2014. (Learn more here.) Other business during the third day of the convention included the passage of a resolution in support of continuing work to protect the retirement security of Teamster members and retirees, and nominations for regional vice presidents...

Teamsters Local 355
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