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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - October 2017
Updated On: Nov 10, 2017

Hoffa: NAFTA should deal with trucking, labor
Oct. 4, 2017 | While the third round of renegotiations of the North American Free Trade agreement ended last week, the status of many important issues remains in flux, including workers’ rights and cross-border trucking. At the top of the agenda is fixing the mistake of including long-haul trucking in the original NAFTA. This issue must be addressed in these negotiations. Not only do truckers stand to benefit, but American lives are at stake. Old and unsafe trucks put our highways at risk and pollute or air, putting the public’s health in jeopardy…

Tell Congress not to overturn the NLRB’s joint employer ruling
Oct. 4, 2017 | The House Committee on Education and the Workforce is marking up legislation that would have a drastic impact on what it means to be an employer. H.R. 3441, the Save Local Business Act redefines the term “employer” so narrowly that many workers will have no remedy when their employers violate wage laws or their rights to organize and bargain collectively. Learn more here, then take action!

UPS Teamsters convene national grievance committee panels
Oct. 5, 2017 | Representatives and leaders of UPS and UPS Freight Teamster local unions are meeting this week in Seattle for Teamsters National Grievance Committee panel sessions. Across the table from company representatives, subcommittees are hearing dozens of grievance cases on subcontracting, 9.5 violations, safety and health violations, and other issues. The meetings were kicked off on Monday with a pre-panel session led by Teamsters Package Division Director Denis Taylor who ran through the docket of cases. Taylor commented on the upcoming contract negotiations and the need for unity among all UPS Teamster locals in order to win the strongest contract possible in 2018...

Two Calif. Teamsters among the dead in Vegas shooting *
Oct. 5, 2017 |  Two Teamsters members from California, Dana Gardner of Local 1932 in San Bernardino, and Rachael Parker of Local 911, a police records clerk from Manhattan Beach, were among 59 people killed in the shooting massacre in Las Vegas the night of October 1-2, the Southern California Teamster reported. A kindergarten teacher from southern California, Jenny Parks, a member of a National Education Association local there, also was shot to death… * Update: Teamsters remember members killed in Las Vegas shooting.

FedEx, UPS sinking millions into automation, push for tax cuts
Oct. 10, 2017 | FedEx and UPS – two of America’s biggest employers – have been publicly pushing tax cuts as job creators even as they plan to spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a coming wave of automation at their distribution centers and along their delivery lines, corporate documents show…. Neither company has said it will use its windfall from a tax cut to hire more workers…

Teamster locals to review UPS contract proposals October 17
Oct. 11, 2017 | On Tuesday, October 17, representatives from each local union that represents UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters will be meeting in the Washington, D.C. area to review and approve national contract proposals that will be submitted to UPS when negotiations begin. This “two-person” meeting includes two representatives from each UPS and UPS Freight local union. “There are a lot of issues at stake in the upcoming negotiations, including UPS members’ pensions, ongoing harassment by management, new technology, and subcontracting issues,” said Denis Taylor, Director of the Teamsters Package Division. “Following our day-long review next week, we will be submitting these proposals to the company when negotiations start, which we expect to happen in January,” Taylor added. UPS and UPS Freight proposals will be reviewed separately at the October 17 meeting.

Public Service members: Join the discussion about public service employee unionism
Oct. 11, 2017 | All Teamster public sector members as well as their local and Joint Council representatives are invited to a special radio program on The Rick Smith Show this Thursday, Oct. 12 at 5:00 pm eastern. Union advocate and radio labor show host Rick Smith will have a Teamster-only show that will focus on the future of public employee unionism in America and a discussion about the upcoming Supreme Court case on the constitutionality of "fair share" fees and the prospect of national right to work in the public sector. The dial-in number for those wishing to express an opinion or ask a question is: 1-717-422-5215. Access the program (and hear a recording afterwards) on your computer, or, on your smart phone, access the The Rick Smith Show using the Stitcher app.

Las Vegas Teamster sells his Harley to go to Puerto Rico and volunteer
Oct. 12, 2017 | When Marco Cruz heard about the need for truck drivers to help hurricane victims in Puerto Rico he knew he could help. The single dad of two teenagers was born in Puerto Rico but has lived in Las Vegas for over 40 years. Cruz has a commercial drivers license and experience driving tanker trucks. But to pay for his humanitarian mission, Cruz had to sell his Harvey Davidson motorcycle…

Notice of nomination and election of officers of Local 355
Oct. 16, 2017 | Nominations for election of President (Principal Officer), Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and three Trustees for the 2018-2020 term will be accepted at special membership meetings in Baltimore and Salisbury on Sunday, November 5, 2017. Members, click here for the entire notice.

Leaders from UPS local unions overwhelmingly approve proposals
Oct. 18, 2017 | More than 260 local union leaders who represent Teamsters at UPS and UPS Freight gathered today in the Washington DC area to review national contract proposals, all of which were approved. General President Jim Hoffa, Chairman of the UPS National Negotiating Committee (NNC), said the proposals will be submitted to the company when national negotiations begin in January. Contract proposals adopted today by the NNC focus on subcontracting, excessive hours and other issues. For UPS members, additional proposals were adopted related to ongoing harassment and increases in the average size and weight of shipments; UPS Freight proposals also took up the issue of blackout weeks…

UPS contract update 
Oct. 23, 2017 | The Package Division has received some questions about the process by which the National Agreement for UPS and UPS Freight are negotiated. To help answer the questions, information has been provided here. Updates on negotiations for the National Contract that will begin in January can be found at

Federal bills aim to stop exploitation of Teamster-backed port truckers
Oct. 30, 2017 | …House Democrats introduced two federal bills last Thursday aimed at cracking down on port trucking companies that have for years exploited their workforce with lease-to-own contracts that forced drivers to work around the clock for pay that sometimes dipped to pennies on the hour. The measures come in response to an investigation that revealed truckers were working as modern-day indentured servants while hauling goods for America’s retail giants… USA Today

In appreciation of shop stewards
Oct. 31, 2017 | Local 355 officers and trustees sponsored an evening of dinner and dancing for the Local’s shop stewards on Saturday, October 21, in appreciation of their hard work. Their dedication to the enforcement of members’ contractual rights each and every day continues the Local’s 84-year commitment to strong Teamster representation. Click here to view photos. Pictured: Local 355 organizer Ed Mulford, center, with Horseshoe Casino stewards Shakira Paige, Edward Coley, Ivy Lambert (guest), and Howard Braxton.

Teamsters Local 355
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