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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - December 2019
Updated On: Jan 09, 2020

Applications now being accepted for 2020 JRHMSF scholarship 
Dec. 3, 2019 The application process is now open for the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund's 2020 college and vocational scholarship programs for the sons, daughters and financial dependents of Teamsters. In 2019, $1.2 million was awarded in academic scholarships for the children of Teamster members – including Ashley Goudy, daughter of a Local 355 retired UPS Teamster. Many scholarships to support the costs of vocational/trade school programs were also awarded. Visit the scholarship fund's website for information on who is eligible to apply and how to apply. The application deadline is March 2, 2020.

Biden campaign workers choose Teamster representation
Dec. 3, 2019 Approximately 120 field organizers for Vice President Joe Biden's national presidential campaign joined Teamsters Local Union 238 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this week, becoming the latest group of political workers to gain union representation with the Teamsters. Teamsters Local 238 has been at the forefront of organizing political workers during the presidential race, representing campaign workers with Sens. Booker and Klobuchar, and the staff who work for the Iowa Democratic Party. "Political campaign workers deserve a voice on the job as much as anyone," said Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa. "These workers, who face the prospect of long, pressure-filled hours on the campaign trail, need a strong partner like the Teamsters Union that will fight for their rights." Yahoo Finance

Teamsters prez says Dems ‘Better have a message for us’ at Iowa Forum
Dec. 4, 2019  The President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, James Hoffa, is expecting more than 700 union members from across the nation to attend the Teamsters forum in Cedar Rapids Saturday, Dec. 7. [Watch the lifestream – RSVP here.] “I don’t know where we’re going to put them all. We’ll put them outside. We’ll put a TV outside,” Hoffa said in an interview with Starting Line. “It’s an exciting thing and I’m looking forward to it.” Members of the 1.4 million-strong union will hear from six Democratic presidential candidates at the forum: Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, and Tom Steyer. Hoffa said the forum is one of the final steps in the endorsement process for the Teamsters, although there is no set timeline for the IBT’s selection process… Iowa Starting Line

Why did Tribune Publishing roll over for this hedge fund?
Dec. 5, 2019 Tribune Publishing directors wasted no time capitulating to an aggressive new shareholder with a record of eviscerating local newspapers. The publisher of the Chicago Tribune and eight other metropolitan daily newspapers yesterday announced an agreement to give hedge fund Alden Global Capital two seats on the Tribune Publishing board, which will expand to eight from six members…Tribune Publishing eliminated 900 jobs in the past two years alone. Don't be surprised if Alden's directors decide Tribune hasn't cut deeply enough. As board members, they'll be well within their rights to argue for aggressive... Crain’s Chicago Business

Teamsters Local 769 mourns tragic shooting of UPS driver in Miami
Dec. 6, 2019 The following statement from Teamsters Local 769 is in regard to the tragic shooting of a UPS driver in Miami yesterday. “It is with a heavy heart that I write this statement this evening. We are heartbroken by the tragic events from earlier today regarding one of our Teamsters Local 769 members (UPS Driver), who was carjacked while doing his job. He was ultimately victimized in a shootout after a lengthy police pursuit with the carjackers. The cowardly actions of the criminals involved that chose to kidnap this hard-working young man to give themselves some type of “cover” or “shield” are precisely the opposite of what Teamster men and women are and stand for. We pray for the family of this young man, and as further information is available we will, of course, provide those details for Teamster members to show and provide support to his family.”

Tune in to Teamsters presidential forum on worker issues
Dec. 6, 2019 The townhall event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, December 7 at 2 PM Central will be live-streamed on our Facebook page, Twitter @Teamsters, our YouTube channel, and on Six 2020 presidential candidates are confirmed to attend. We'll be asking them about the key issues affecting workers like you - including pensions, trade policy, and collective bargaining rights - and making sure they fight for the Teamsters vote. Be a part of the conversation – RSVP to watch live here: #Teamsters2020

Teamsters LU 117 wins ground-breaking labor protections for Uber, Lyft drivers
Dec. 13, 2019  Teamsters Local 117 has achieved a significant victory in the fight to bring workers in the gig economy a voice on the job. The Seattle-based local led the way in helping to pass a new law this November that will institute a first-ever grievance procedure for the City’s more than 30,000 Uber and Lyft drivers. This groundbreaking legislation establishes first-in-the-nation legal protections and representation for drivers who seek to contest unwarranted deactivations in termination proceedings. The law also establishes a Driver Resolution Center to provide a wide range of support services to drivers… Teamsters

Sysco warehouse workers in Virginia choose Teamsters
Dec. 23, 2019 By a nearly 3-1 margin, Sysco warehouse workers voted for Teamsters Local 822 representation on Dec. 19, the fourth Teamster election win in the past several months at the nation's largest broadline foodservice provider. Drivers at this same location won their election in late August. Sysco South Florida workers in Miami and workers at Sysco-Sygma Kansas City also won their election in August. The latest group in Hampton Roads has 70 warehouse workers in the bargaining unit… Teamsters

Teamsters support improved USMCA, significant improvement over Nafta
Dec. 23, 2019 Teamsters in both the United States and Canada are coming out in support of the new NAFTA following changes to the agreement made by Democrats in Congress. The Teamsters Union has long opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement. Teamsters jobs are tied to trade and our members have suffered the impact of the original NAFTA for more than a quarter-century. Teamsters want trade, but it has to be fair trade that puts working people and their families first. The USMCA includes improvements that will directly benefit Teamster members. Among these is the overdue fix to the cross-border trucking provision that threatened highway safety and the competitiveness of the American trucking industry.… Teamsters

Local 355 UPS driver brings happiness to children in hospitals
Dec. 23, 2019 For 15 years Felix Guinto, a UPS driver and member of Local 355 in Baltimore, has been rallying a team of volunteers that work throughout the year to bring toys to children in area hospitals. Guinto enlists the help of dozens of other UPS drivers who volunteer their time to bring some joy to sick children. “We do this throughout the year,” said Guinto, a 26-year employee of UPS. “The hard part is keeping up the visits every month.”  The Helping Hands team makes up to 65 hospital visits every year, and volunteers also serve two meals to the homeless every month in Baltimore. “It really began with my mother and I doing the work, and since she has passed away, I decided to honor her memory. Now the work has expanded to become a monthly project.  My father was a 30-year Teamster member and it’s because of the union and the volunteers who sacrifice their own time that keeps the Helping Hands project so strong.” If you would like to support this project, please consider a donation through the website: Read more about Guinto and Helping Hands here (scroll down) and here.

Ghost papers and news deserts: Will America ever get its local news back?
Dec. 31, 2019 First they started showing up thinner than before. Then they were printed on smaller paper, with local columns replaced by more out-of-town news. Then in some places, especially rural and down-on-their-luck parts, newspapers stopped showing up altogether. Since the Internet arrived in earnest 25 years ago, almost nobody — not the savviest investment bankers, the most well-meaning editors, local entrepreneurs or generous philanthropists — has figured out a sustainable way to continue producing local news… Washington Post  [Note: Local 355 represents drivers and pressmen employed at The Baltimore Sun, a Tribune publication.]

Teamsters Local 355
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