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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - January 2018
Updated On: Feb 05, 2018

Members protest Sussex County (Del.) right-to-work bill: Local 355 members joined a large contingent of labor union members and anti-RTW activists January 2, 2018, at a protest rally in Georgetown, Delaware, during Sussex County’s public hearing on its right-to-work ordinance. More than 50 speakers addressed Council members at the hearing – most of whom voiced opposition to the bill, including Local 355 shop steward Chris Johnson (Burris Foods, Inc.), a Sussex County resident. Read today's Delaware Online post.

Teamsters, workers win initial Delaware RTW battle
Jan. 4, 2018 | Delaware Teamsters joined hundreds of their union brothers and sisters this week in pushing back against a county effort to institute a right to work (RTW) provision that would curtail workers’ collective bargaining rights and tamp down on wages for thousands in Sussex County. A vote on the RTW measure was postponed Tuesday after it became clear the vast majority of those in attendance were against it. The overflow crowd spread outside of the council chambers, where Teamsters and other union members rallied in the frigid cold against the anti-worker ordinance. The legislation, however, could be brought back up for consideration as soon as next week. Sussex County resident Chris Johnson (right, center), a Local 355 shop steward employed by Burris Foods, Inc., was among dozens of speakers who voiced opposition to the RTW provision. "I speak to you as a Teamster member but also as a resident, a father and husband... I'm proud to be a union member earning a good wage that supports my family…” Continue reading at 355 News

Contract negotiations start Monday, January 8
Jan. 5, 2018 | The Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) will begin contract negotiations in earnest with ABF starting on Monday, January 8, three weeks after exchanging initial contract proposals with the company. This first round of negotiations will continue through Thursday, January 11 and multiple dates have been scheduled into March. Details here.

Millennials at Tacoma, Wash. kennel unionize with Teamsters
Jan. 5, 2018 | Federal statistics show the “millennials” are the least-unionized group of workers in the country. Many analysts conclude that’s because millennials don’t know what unions are, what they do, and how they help workers. That’s not the case among the six kennel aides at the Tacoma Humane Society – or Teamsters Local 117, which successfully organized them in late December. Once they learned how the union could help them – and the animals – the recognition vote was 6-0… Peoples World

Note: If you are a Sussex County resident, please register your opposition to the RTW legislation before next week's Jan. 9th County Council meeting. Email the Council here.

Retiree club’s Christmas party another annual fun fest
Jan. 8, 2018 | Local 355 retirees and their guests, some sporting “ugly” sweaters that added to the festive atmosphere of their annual party, met December 21 at the UAW Hall in East Baltimore for another fabulous Christmas party… Retirees

Right to work defeated in Sussex County
Jan. 9, 2018 | In a win for Teamster members who work in Sussex County, Delaware, the Sussex County Council today rejected a right-to-work measure in a 4-1 vote. Councilman Rob Arlett who introduced the proposal last fall was the sole member to vote in its favor. Although four of the five council members said they viewed right to work favorably and would support an initiative at the state level, concerns about potential legal challenges to the legislation – and related costs involved in defending it – ultimately sank the bill. Crowds of union members from Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania joined anti-RTW supporters (including nine inflatable rats and one inflatable corporate fat cat) to protest the legislation. “We’re here to remind them that they work for the people not their own corporate interests,” Local 355 business agent John Caparatta said after the vote. Unions must keep the pressure on local and state governments intent on passing anti-worker laws. “This problem will come back in some other form,” said James Maravelias, president of the Delaware AFL-CIO. “Shame on us if we let it go.” Pictured, from Local 355: (L-R) Business Agent Jim Deene; Shop Steward Michael Bradley/Kraft; Business Agent John Caparatta; Organizer Ed Mulford; Retiree Ernie Warfield/US Foods.

The ugly truth about right-to-work laws
Jan. 10, 2018 | The roots of "Right to Work" is as rotten as the legacy of Jim Crow racism – because they are one and the same. Check out this important video from Teamsters Local 1932 about the ugly truth behind RTW and its insidious growth...

Teamsters, ABF address non-economic issues as negotiations kick off
Jan. 12, 2018 |The meetings this week focused primarily on language issues but ABF continues to raise claims that its employee and operating costs are too high. The National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) however, has made it clear that the members are not interested in a concessionary contract…Teamsters  Follow ABF Teamsters on Facebook

Teamsters win $1 million settlement on behalf of road drivers at YRC Freight
Jan. 12, 2018 | The collective bargaining agreement with YRC Freight limits the amount of over-the-road freight that can be put on trains or hauled by non-bargaining unit personnel. The Teamsters Union monitors those amounts. After reviewing the situation and convening a meeting of the committee that monitors compliance, it was determined that the company had in fact exceeded the permissible amounts… Teamsters

Teamsters honor legacy, celebrate contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Jan. 15, 2018 | Fifty years ago this year, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for striking sanitation workers in Memphis [see video below] before an assassin struck him down. “The Memphis sanitation workers’ strike is remembered as an example of powerless African-Americans standing up for themselves. It is also remembered as the prelude to the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.” according to a recent Smithsonian magazine story. Teamsters across the country will honor the legacy of civil rights and labor leader Martin Luther King Jr. on Jan. 15, 2018. More at Teamsters…

Hogan announces deal with unions on modest raises for Md. state employees
Jan. 18, 2018 | Maryland state employees will receive a 2 percent cost-of-living adjustment under a new contract agreement reached with the Hogan administration. Gov. Larry Hogan’s office announced Wednesday that the administration and the four major unions that represent state employees have struck a three-year deal…The contracts have not been ratified. Union members are scheduled to vote on the tentative agreement Jan. 31. In addition to AFSCME, the contracts affect workers with the Maryland Professional Employees Council, the American Federation of Teachers Healthcare-Maryland and Teamsters Local 355. Washington Post

UPS members: Bargaining has begun. Here’s how you can get involved
January, 2018 | UPS and UPS Freight contract negotiations will kick off later this month. For an update on the process of negotiations and what you can do to be involved, please join Denis Taylor, Director, IBT Package Division, for a conference call on Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 6 pm eastern time. Details here.

Teamsters present initial UPS and UPS Freight contract proposals to Company
Jan. 23, 2018 | The Teamsters National Negotiating Committee presented the union’s initial UPS and UPS Freight contract proposals to the company yesterday, marking the start of negotiations. These are the initial contract proposals and are subject to change during negotiations. The contract proposals are available on the app. (If you have not downloaded the app, we encourage you to do so to receive the most up-to-date information. Download the app by searching “UPS Rising” in the App Store or Google Play.) Negotiations are scheduled to continue through Thursday of this week, and multiple dates have been scheduled for future negotiations. More information will be released later this week.

Hoffa Memorial Scholarship applications available online this year
Jan. 24, 2018 | Applications for 2018 are now being accepted by the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund. The application process must be completed through the on-line portal found on the Fund's website: (The "Key" for the JRHMSF applications is JRHMSF). Two types of scholarship applications are available: Academic and Training/Vocational. The details and eligibility requirements for each scholarship are available on the Fund's website.

Teamsters tell UPS no drones or driverless trucks
Jan. 24, 2018 | The Teamsters union wants to prohibit United Parcel Service Inc. UPS -0.59% from using drones or driverless vehicles to deliver packages. That was one of the labor union’s initial demands as it kicked off high-stakes contract talks with UPS this week. The Teamsters also want the parcel giant to eliminate late-night deliveries and add another 10,000 workers to the ranks, among other things… Teamsters  Related: UPS tries arming its drivers with an Octocopter drone

XPO ordered to pay up in Miami
Jan. 25, 2018 | A judge has told XPO to pay workers in Miami for raises the company unlawfully withheld after the workers forms their union with Teamsters Local 769. This is the latest legal victory for workers seeking justice at XPO. Teamsters

ABF contract negotiations continue January 29
Jan. 26, 2018 | The Teamsters National Freight Industry (TNFINC) will hold a second round of negotiations with ABF starting on Monday, January 29. This first round of negotiations took place from January 8-11. The initial meetings focused primarily on language issues but ABF raised claims that its employee costs and operating costs are too high. TNFINC, however, made it clear that members were not interested in a concessionary contract… Learn more here.

Teamsters, UPS wrap up first week of contract negotiations
Jan. 26, 2018 | The Teamsters National Negotiating Committee wrapped up the first week of negotiations today after both sides exchanged initial UPS and UPS Freight contract proposals. “This week was for both sides to present their initial non-economic proposals and for both parties to ask questions about their intent,” said Denis Taylor, Director of the Teamsters Package Division. “While these proposals are likely to be amended as negotiations proceed, it was good to finally present the members’ positions. We will reconvene our talks next week in Virginia.” Learn more here.

Teamsters Local 355
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