September/October 2014
Brothers and Sisters:
I hope that you all had a safe and happy Labor Day...
Bowling started on August 27th. We can always use more bowlers.
The Fall Golf Outing will be Saturday, September 13th at Eisenhower Golf Course; 1576 Generals Hwy; Crownsville, MD 21032. Please register with the hall before September 5th.
The 16th Annual Motorcycle Run will be held on Saturday, September 27th at 9 A.M. The ride will be to Washington Monument State Park near Boonsboro, MD. Call the hall to register.
The summer party was great as always. A very special thanks to all of the volunteers. Congratulations to Connie Zartman (right) for winning the 50/50 and donating a nice amount back to the club.
Some things occurred at the Summer Party that have to be addressed.
- We turned away a nice young couple that wanted to attend because our member could not. These parties are for retired members that belong to the retirees club. These parties are for you and a guest only. Don't send someone in your place if you cannot attend. If a member passes away then their family and friends are no longer eligible to attend.
- Some of the envelopes that we received did not contain checks. One had a deposit slip and another contain a blank slip of paper about the size of a check.
- If you did not attend and did not give us advanced notice then we will cash your check. So when you check your bank statement and find out your check has been cashed, you will have to send us another check for future parties. The reason for the cut-off date is so that we can notify the caterer. There will be no one allowed to pay after the cut-off date at the hall or at the door.
The hall for our parties is the UAW Hall at 1010 South Oldham Street. It’s near the corner of S. Oldham Street and O’Donnell Street, right behind the BP station and the next road from the Royal Farm Store. The hall is right off the Boston Street exit of Route 95 (new tunnel) and the O’Donnell Street exit of Route 895 (old tunnel).
The Christmas party will be December 18. Envelopes have to be in by December 9. There are some changes that have been made:
(1) The hours for the parties are now 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (instead of noon to 4 p.m.)
(2) NO ONE will be allowed in the hall until 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the party.
Start sending your envelopes in. This is the party where you bring in cakes and pies for the cake wheel. We will also have a money wheel. The basket of cheer drawing will be held (we could use more donations; you can drop them off at the hall).
Our vice-president Joe Reichert just had major surgery where they removed one-third of his colon. The doctor said that he believes that he removed all of the cancer that was there. He has a long road to recovery. Brother Joe said that if he would not have had a simple colonoscopy done that he would not be here today. So the Executive Board, Brother Joe and myself strongly urge you to get this procedure done ASAP.
New Members: Miles Anthony III, Roy Beckeridge
Sick Members: Joe Reichert, Cephas Hall
Deceased Members: Gerald Kraft (Leaseway), Milton Amos (Sun Paper), George Briemann (EI Lane), Francis Horn (Mountainside), Michael Lingenfelder (News American)
Please keep these members and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
The next meetings will be on September 18 and October 16 in the Sullivan Hall at Teamsters Local 355, 1030 S. Dukeland St., Baltimore, MD. Coffee and donuts are served at 9:30 a.m. The Executive Board meets at 10 a.m., and the general meeting begins at 11 a.m. A light lunch is served following the general meeting. Hope to see you there. Remember to bring another retiree with you.
Bob Eney,