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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - November 2021
Updated On: Jan 07, 2022

Urge your lawmakers to come together to pass these bills 
Nov. 1, 2021 The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill & Reconciliation Bill mean investments in things that working people have been waiting to see for decades. The Build Back Better framework will level the playing field by making corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share. It will allow us to invest in the fight against climate change, healthcare, and our kids, all of which will lower the costs of things middle-class families depend on and help people get back to work. Click to act now!

Hoffa on the passage of infrastructure bill
Nov. 8, 2021 Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa, in a statement released last Friday, on the passage of a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, said, “After years of inaction, Democrats and Republicans came together to approve important legislation that will boost necessary transportation, electrical and water networks that will create good-paying Jos and bring the nation’s economy into the 21st economy. This bill will modernize essential transportation systems – all critical parts of America’s supply chain. Teamsters work each day in every part of this supply chain and know firsthand that our transportation infrastructure has been neglected for too long.” Read the full statement here.

Teamster ballot count underway 
Nov. 17, 2021  Ballots in the Election of International Union Officers are being counted this week by the independent Office of the Election Supervisor at a warehouse just outside of Washington, D.C. Teamster members from across North America returned 189,335 ballots. Teamsters Communications staff spoke with the Election Supervisor, Richard Mark, about the count. Here’s what he had to say… Continued  Election results can be viewed at

Teamsters United slate elected to 5-year term to lead union 
Nov. 19, 2021 The O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United slate has been elected to lead the international union for the next five years. The candidates for General President, General Secretary-Treasurer, International Vice Presidents At-Large, International Trustees and International Vice Presidents in the Central, Eastern, Southern and Western Regions were elected Thursday night in the 2021 Election of International Union Officers, according to unofficial results provided by the Office of the Election Supervisor. The term of office begins in March 2022… Continued

Contracts ratified at Leonard Paper, others 
Nov. 30, 2021 (Updated 12/6 to include Matheson Tri-Gas) Members employed at Leonard Paper ratified a lucrative package that includes substantial wage increases, an increase to the Christmas bonus, pension contributions, an increase in the shoe allowance, and maintenance of Health & Welfare. First Transit/BWI members overwhelmingly ratified ... Continued

Teamsters Local 355
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