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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - August 2022
Updated On: Sep 14, 2022

New app now available for UPS Teamsters
Aug. 1, 2022 Teamster members at UPS began a nationwide call to action today. With the current contract expiring in exactly one year, members are mobilizing now for the strongest possible contract in 2023. As part of the campaign launch, a new UPS Teamsters app is now available for download here.

Teamsters praise new NLRB agreements meant to beef up antitrust law enforcement
Aug. 3, 2022 The Teamsters applaud the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for entering into agreements with two federal agencies to improve enforcement of antitrust law, promote fair standards of marketplace competition, and advance workers’ rights. The NLRB recently reached separate memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with the U.S. Justice Department’s Antitrust Division as well as the Federal Trade Commission, sending a strong message that the federal government plans to aggressively police bad corporate behavior. Continue reading at

Local, regional contract tentative agreements go to membership vote
Aug. 15, 2022 The tentative National Master DHL Agreement, approved earlier this month by local union leaders representing Teamsters at DHL Express, will go to the membership for ratification this week. Local 355 DHL clerical staff are scheduled to vote Tuesday, August 16, and DHL drivers will vote Saturday, August 20. If ratified, the new national contract will be the most lucrative national agreement at DHL in Teamster history, said Bill Hamilton, International Vice President and Co-Chairman of the DHL Negotiating Committee. The Master Agreement’s wage increases will be retroactive to April 1.

Teamsters get papal blessing ahead of UPS contract negotiations
Aug. 19, 2022 Teamsters General-President Sean M. O’Brien (back to camera) shakes hands with Pope Francis I after an August 10 discussion between International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) delegates and Catholic officials about unions and the Catholic Church joining forces for social justice. O’Brien, AFA-CWA President Sara Nelson, and Machinists (IAW) General Vice President Richard Johnsen were part of the ITF delegation. The three had met the ITF in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to marshal international support for the Teamsters’ UPS contract campaign. Pope Francis, an Argentinian, is a strong and outspoken supporter of workers’ rights. SOURCE: PRESS ASSOCIATES, INC. (PAI); IAW PHOTO

A message from National Freight Director John A. Murphy
Aug. 26, 2022 In the first of what is to be a series of short update videos delivered “from time to time,” Director Murphy promises to do his “level best to improve the work lives” for Teamster freight members. As part of efforts to find out what matters most to the members, he and his team are traveling the country visiting Teamster freight locations in preparation for ABF and TForce negotiations that are likely to start at the end of this year. “Only by listening to the members can we be successful.” Watch the video here.

National contract overwhelmingly ratified
Aug. 27, 2022 Teamsters at DHL have overwhelmingly ratified a new national contract that provides significant wage increases, improves working conditions, and maintains strong member benefits. Ballots were counted throughout the week, and the national contract was ratified by an overwhelming percentage of the membership. “This contract was all about putting members first. We went into negotiations prepared to win the strongest agreement ever at DHL, and we succeeded,” said Sean M. O’Brien, Teamsters General President and Chairman of the Teamsters National DHL Negotiating Committee. “Last year this company made record profits, and we demanded that our members share in the success.” The contract is retroactive to April 1. Teamsters

Grocery workers organize with Teamsters Local 570
Aug. 29, 2022 More than 75 workers employed at MOM's Organic Market in Baltimore's Hampden neighborhood voted overwhelmingly on Friday, August 26, for representation by Teamsters Local 570. The workers, full and part-time generalists, coffee roast, grocery, wellness, produce, naked lunch, and cashiers, launched their campaign to organize for fair wages and better working conditions earlier this summer when they reached out to Local 570. Among their issues are higher starting pay, regular raises, paid time off, holiday pay, job security, and dignity and respect on the job. “For the first time, these workers will have a voice on the job,” said Moe Jackson, Local 570 Vice President, after the election. Read more at

Teamsters Local 355
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