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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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Christmas Party 2017
Updated On: Jan 08, 2018

 “Retirees who have come from other locals have said that ours
is one of the best to be involved with.”

Local 355 A.R.M. annual Christmas party brings retirees together for fun and frivolity

The annual holiday event, held December 21st, wasn't the largest croud the club has ever had in attendance, but an observor would never have known given the exhuberance and goodwill on display. The food was delicious (the great menu that included Old Bay-seasoned peel-’n-eat shrimp and sumptuous grilled roast beef) and the entertainment full of throw-back memories was alternately rousing good fun and wistfully nostalgic. Club members were treated to a great menu that included Old Bay-seasoned peel-’n-eat shrimp and sumptuous grilled roast beef, dancing, raffles, the always-popular Cake and Money Wheels, and catching up on Local news with LU 355 President Denis Taylor and Secretary-Treasurer Dave White.

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In addition to the annual Christmas party, A.R.M.  has a bowling league, and hosts an annual bowling banquet and a summer party for its members.

The organization has a core group of members who meet at the Baltimore hall every Tuesday to share stories, talk labor and politics, assist with building maintenance and offer support to the officers and staff in whatever way they can. A.R.M.’s monthly meeting is held every third Thursday of the month except August and December, and averages 60 or more attendees.

Teamsters Local 355
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