How the Structure Works
At the local levelThe hundreds of U.S. and Canadian Teamster local unions and their members are the heart and backbone of the union. The structure of the organization is designed to promote strong local unions and local leaders. Because the locals negotiate most of the Teamster contracts and provide most of the services to their members, the locals keep a large portion of the collected membership dues, which in turns allows the local to retain their own experts: full-time business agents, organizers, accountants, lawyers, health & welfare fund advisors, administrative and clerical staff. Local members elect their own officers, and guided by the International Constitution, create their own local structure and bylaws. While enjoying local autonomy, all locals benefit from the assistance and expertise provided by the International Union.On the regional levelIn geographic areas where there are three or more locals, Teamsters Joint Councils have formed. The councils work together to share information, coordinate activities beneficial to local needs, and develop solutions to problems that may arise on jurisdictional and judicial matters. Local 355 belongs to Teamsters Joint Council #62. Trade divisions and conferences bring Teamsters leaders together from across the nation who share common concerns and interests, providing an informational clearinghouse for locals that negotiate in the same industry or bargain with the same employer.On the national levelThe union's General President and General Secretary-Treasurer serve as the executive officers of the union. The General Executive Board consists of 22 Vice Presidents geographically located or at-large. Election of officers for International office is held every five years. At every convention, three trustees are elected to monitor the International's finances. Convention delegates are elected locally and meet every five years to amend the Constitution as needed, and adopt measures that guide the direction of the union. Between conventions, the General Executive Board – guided by the union's Constitution – is the final governing body.
Page Last Updated: Nov 05, 2018 (13:43:00)