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February 18, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - June 2014
Updated On: Jul 10, 2014

It's possible some retro check contain errors
June 2, 2014  | The International reports it was notified by UPS that some employees in progression or had a job change during the retroactive pay period may have received incorrect retroactive pay. The error has resulted in some employees being underpaid and some overpaid. UPS has committed to informing affected members and will have underpayments corrected this week. They will work with those who may have been overpaid. Stay tuned here as more information becomes available.

Webinar June 17: How to make college more affordable
June 3, 2014  | Union Plus invites union members and union leaders to resister for a free, upcoming webinar June 17 at 1pm EDT where you'll learn tips and strategies for making college more affordable, college counseling discounts, college test prep discounts, free student loan counseling and more. Sign up here for "Learn Your Way to Earning Your Way. It's free! Check out Union Plus on Facebook too.

Enter essay contest and win cash for class!
June 6, 2014  | The Teamsters annual Essay Contest has been announced for students attending college  – community, 4-year institution, or technical/vocational program – who are age 23 and younger and are the children or financial dependents of eligible Teamster members. Sponsored by the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund, this year's Easy Contest topic is: "The vast majority of union members make more than the minimum wage. Why should Teamsters care what the minimum wage is?" The deadline for essay submission is September 30, 2014. Download the application and instructions here.

Sysco/US Foods Merger News Now Posted in New Section
June 9, 2014 | Members employed at the two food service companies will find all the news as it becomes available under the Members tab, "Sysco/US Foods Merger Info", or you can click the bright green box located on the website's right column. If you don't see information there that should be, please email the info to the web editor at

Teamsters call on House of Representatives to protect highway safety
June 10, 2014
| In a letter to U.S. House of Representatives members sent yesterday, Teamsters General President Hoffa urged them to oppose potential floor amendments that would force drivers behind the wheel longer, and allow bigger trucks on the nation's highways. "The tragic accident that claimed the life of comedian Jack McNair and injured many others including actor Tracy Morgan, could have been prevented had Walmart's driver been properly rested rather than reportedly going 24 hours without a break," Hoffa said. Read more here.

Early voting in Maryland begins today
June 12, 2014
| Your first chance to cast a ballot in the 2014 election for governor and other state and county offices begins today in early primary voting that will run through June 19th. The state primary election will be on June 24th. The general election will be November 4th. As you cast your ballot, consider whether or not your choice of candidates support you and your rights on the job. Do your candidates have a proven track record of defending and improving workers' rights? Do your candidates stand with us on issues that matter to working families? Remember, your vote is your voice. Use it. For the complete list of candidates, click here. For the list of polling places throughout Maryland, click here.

Sysco denies report proposed merger will be challenged by the FTC
June 17, 2014
| Capitol Forum, a Washington, D.C.-based subscription-based firm that analyzes mergers for policymakers and investors, issued a report on Friday stating: "There appears to be a strong possibility that the FTC will challenge the Sysco/US Foods merger in the near future." More at Sysco/US Foods Merger News.

Tell the Senate to protect truck drivers and the nation's highways
June 17, 2014
| It seems pretty unbelievable that anyone would think that more hours on the road for long-haul truck drivers would be a good thing, but the Senate is considering legislation that would do just that if passed. The Transportation Appropriations bill is on the floor this week and includes language to suspend hours of service rules, and the 34-hour "restart" provision namely, for one year. Currently, drivers are limited to 60-70 hours on the road a week, but if these rules are suspended, that would increase to more than 80 hours a week! Please contact your Senators today and ask that they support an amendment to strike the hours of service suspension language from the bill. It's a matter of safety.

NLRB accuses port trucking firm of 50+ labor violations
June 20, 2014
| The federal government has accused a trucking company in Carson, Calif., of more than 50 unfair law violations, including firing drivers for union activity, relating against pro-labor employees and planting an anti-union operative amid its workforce. The company denied all the Board’s allegations, stating that it has complied with federal labor laws and that the majority of the firm’s drivers do not support the “heavy-handed” organizing efforts of the Teamsters Union. Full story here.

Safety report on Tracy Morgan crash raises new questions
June 23, 2014
| "The NTSB's preliminary findings in this case clearly show that truck drivers are pushing beyond the limits of the current hours of service rules," Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa said. The safety board report said investigators were still probing into Roper's activities in the days leading up to the crash to determine the amount of rest he received… Full story here.

Good news for highway safety: Spending bill stalled in the Senate
June 25, 2014
| Good news for tired truckers: a spending bill in Congress has stalled and may not be put to a vote. The bill includes an amendment by Sen. Susan Collins of Maine that would allow truckers to drive 82 hours a week. The Teamsters fought hard against the Collins amendment. Learn more here.

Links to TeamCare have been added
June 27, 2014
| For your convenience, UPS members will find health and welfare information links under the "Health & Welfare/Pension" tab under Member Resources in the column to the left.

Teamsters Local 355
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