2021 IBT Convention: A virtual first for the union

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July 6, 2021 | The 30th International Convention of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters held June 22-25 was like no other event in the union’s 118-year history. Delegates and alternates from Maryland Locals 355, 453, 570, and 888, were among 1,600+ delegates representing more than 500 Teamster locals engaged in the work of the union in a total virtual format. In addition to passing a landmark resolution to build worker power at Amazon, delegates approved the following amendments to the union’s Constitution:
- Article VII, Section 7(b) The amendment confirms the current practice of providing copies of reports prepared by International Auditors for local unions in Canada to the President of Teamsters Canada.
- Article XII, Section 1. 2 and 6 Provisions regarding the ratification of local union and master collective bargaining agreements and for authorizing strikes were rewritten to eliminate the 2/3 rule provisions and limiting the ability of the negotiating committees to impose contracts that have not been approved by a majority of the voting members.
- Article XII, Section 14(a) The proposal increases the minimum amount of out-of-work benefits and provides for the payment of benefits from the first day of a strike as long as the strike and defense fund has at least $150 million at the start of the strike.
- Article XIII, Section 4 This clarifies that the Organizing Assistance Fund can be used to support organizing campaigns for workers who have been misclassified and are not considered to be “employees.” This will allow support of credible campaigns to organize workers being exploited by the “gig” economy.
- Article XXII, Section 4(a) The changes reflect changes in the Department of Labor regulations governing union elections and authorize the General Executive Board to adopt changes in nomination and election procedures in the event we are confronted with another crisis that prevents in-person meetings. It also provides for the General Executive Board to adopt procedures in the event the Department of Labor or any responsible provincial body permits election of officers to be conducted electronically.
- Article XXII, Section 4(e) The new language further defines an “extraordinary” expenditure between the time of an election and the start of the term of the newly elected officers in order to make clear that established and funded benefit funds can be paid provided the financial stability of the local is not adversely affected.
- Article XXVI, Section 6(c) This confirms the current practice whereby the President of Teamsters Canada notifies the General President in the event it is determined that a problem exists in a Canadian local union that might require a trusteeship to be imposed over the local.
- Article XXVI, Section 6(f) This also confirms existing practice and provides that the International Auditor assigned to Canada will send the audit report to the President of Teamsters Canada at the same time it is forwarded to the General Secretary-Treasurer. Via teamsters. org