May 15, 2019
Continued from Main Page | ... Negotiations for a new contract at Praxair produced a four-year contract providing a 22% wage increase over term, increased vacation time, company-paid uniforms and safety boots, among other gains... Workers at J.W. Treuth approved a three-year contract providing wage increases, a signing bonus, and maintenance of Health, Welfare and Pension.
Bargaining continues for successor contracts at Kraft-Heinz, Allen Harim Foods, The Baltimore Sun, and DHL clerica.
Negotiations are ongoing for a first contract with Arnold Packaging.
Bargaining begins this week with Hertz Corporation.
In other news...
Local Union members present at our April general membership meetings in Baltimore and Salisbury unanimously approved a motion to award Honorary Lifetime Membership posthumously to Kenny Elgert, the beloved son of (Local 355 Business Agent) Chip and Barbara Elgert, who passed away suddenly in March. Kenny was a smiling face at many Local 355 functions over the years. An energetic and spirited supporter of our union, Kenny loved to accompany his dad to meetings, picket lines, charity fundraisers, steward banquets, and other Teamster events. He was a cheerful and devoted friend to many in the Local 355 family, and his dedication to the Local are acknowledged with the Award. Photo: Kenny, third from right, was a regular supporter on the picket line in 2016 during the union's unfair labor practices strike against US Foods.
In a random drawing from 21 submitted applications for the 2019 Local 355 Scholarship Awards, the winners are:
Tyler Samsel, son of Thomas Samsel (Sun Papers)
Ashley Goudy, daughter of Bill Goudy (UPS)
We’ll introduce them to you in our next newsletter.
General membership meetings suspended for the summer
Members attending the May monthly meetings in Baltimore and Salisbury approved motions to suspend the meetings for the summer. The action follows a long tradition that recognizes members and their families are away on vacation most often during the summer months.
Our next General Membership Meeting will be held, Sunday, September 8, 2019, in Baltimore, and Sunday, September 15, 2019, in Salisbury.

Eastern Shore UPS members attend the April membership meeting at the renovated Salisbury Union Hall: (L-R) Bill Huber, Erik Kyle, Aaron Skipper, David Elburn and Chris Towers