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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - April 2013
Updated On: May 06, 2013

Tentative agreements reached with UPS, UPS Freight
Apr. 26, 2013 | The Teamsters negotiating committee has reached tentative agreements on new 5-year national contracts for package and freight workers that protect their health care benefits, provide substantial wage increases and significantly increases funding for pensions, health and welfare funds. In the UPS tentative agreement, workers will get substantial pay increases, including a significant increase in the starting wage for part-timers. The union also won the creations of more than 2,000 full-time jobs from the ranks of part-timers. The tentative agreement for UPS Freight resolves subcontracting work by putting all laid-off road drivers back to work. UPS Freight workers will receive substantial wage increases and lower co-pays for health insurance. The agreement provides the ability for more part-time workers to become full-time. Read more at

Teamsters will decide soon on YRC network changes *
Apr. 23, 2013 | The IBT is expected to decide whether to adopt YRC Worldwide Inc.'s sweeping change of operations request by the end of the week after meeting with union leadership in Dallas on Friday…Now that the representatives of the affected locals have had their say, approving or negating the move will be up to the Teamsters' change of operations committee. Read more at Kansas City Business Journal. * Update: Teamsters sign off on restructuring.

Casino agreement for Teamsters, Unite Here and IUOE
Apr. 23, 2013 | Workers and community members at last Saturday's Rally for Fair Development in downtown Baltimore had reason to be jubilant. United Workers and Unite Here Local 7 issued a joint statement early Saturday announcing that Caesar's, which is developing the Horseshoe Casino in the heart of the city, will sign an agreement with Unite Here 7, IOUE 37, and Teamsters 355, giving the 800 workers expected to be hired by the casino a process for organizing. Read more at

Another 30-day extension for ABF contract
Apr. 22, 2013 | The Teamsters negotiating committee met last week in Dallas, and it is disappointed with the company's initial economic proposals that seek significant reductions in health and welfare and pension benefits as well as deep wage cuts. "While we've made progress on major local and over-the-road work rule issues over the last few months, the company's new proposals this week are very disappointing and place our progress at risk," said Gordon Sweeton, Teamsters ABF National Negotiating Committee Co-Chairman. "We've put millions of dollars worth of operational relief on the table but that apparently is not enough." Read the full update here.

Negotiations update; talks will resume Monday, April 22
Apr. 19, 2013 | UPS — The Company and Union exchanged economic proposals. Health care remains the major issue in negotiations. Many issues remain but both sides are committed to reaching an agreement by the end of next week. UPS Freight — The Union made a counter-proposal on economics. Much of the week was spent discussing subcontracting and we moved closer to reaching an agreement. Read the full IBT update.

Maryland lawmakers pass tougher cell phone use law
Apr. 11, 2013 | A get-tough bill that upgrades enforcement of the state's existing handheld cell phone law to primary status becomes effective October 1. The law significantly increases fines for distracted driving violations. Read more at 355 News.

Don't buy your prescription drugs at chains like CVS and Rite Aid...
Apr. 10 , 2013 | Because it's costing you big time. According to a new Consumer Reports investigative study, there is rampant variation in the price of generic drugs as large U.S. pharmacy chains—including CVS, Rite Aid, and Target—marking up the prices of generic drug versions for common medications by as much as 18 times what wholesale chains like Costco charge. That price variance ends up costing Americans, who spend an average of $758 out-of-pocket on drugs every year, hundreds of dollars in unnecessary spending each month. Full story here. (Note: You don't need to be a member to use Costco's pharmacy.) Related: It pays to shop around for prescriptions drugs...

Anne Arundel County park rangers ratify new contract
Apr. 10 , 2013 | A new collective bargaining agreement was unanimously approved yesterday at a ratification meeting held at the Union Hall in Baltimore. Details here.

Members with CDLs: Take this safety survey and be eligible for a free iPad3
Apr. 2, 2013 | John Hopkins University is recruiting IBT members who are full-time commercial drivers for a study on distracted driving. By taking this quick, 10-minute online survey, you can enter a drawing for a free iPad 3. All answers are confidential. You must be over 18 and able to read English to participate. Don't wait! John Hopkins will only take the first 500 drivers who complete the survey. Questions? Contact the study staff at

Is your financial advisor working in your best interest?
Apr. 1, 2013 | How can you tell? Selecting someone who is being paid to provide you with investment advice is a crucial decision. You want to make sure that the advisor you select is working in your best interest and that your retirement savings are protected. Asking the right questions, up front, will help you protect yourself and your assets. The DOL has a fiduciary guide fact sheet available here.

Teamsters Local 355
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