Members reject tentative agreement
Feb. 1, 2016 | The union negotiating committee will continue to negotiate on members' behalf Thursday, February 4th, and Friday, February 5th, after members overwhelmingly rejected Sysco's last, best and final offer at a meeting held Sunday in Baltimore. The tentative agreement was presented to members without the bargaining committee's recommendation. After the vote results had been announced, President Taylor described possible next steps and called on members' to tell the committee what it will take to get to an acceptable agreement. "In the meantime, continue to go to work and do your job," Taylor told the packed hall. "If you have a problem, let us know – don't do anything on your own." Sysco members with questions about the proposed contract and next steps should talk to their shop steward. Local 355 represents 263 Sysco drivers, jockeys and warehouse workers.

Bargaining committee member Eric McKee addressed the membership prior to the vote. (Other committee members include President Denis Taylor, Business Agents Dan Taylor and Jim Deene, shop stewards Chris Greene, Harry Goodall, Ricky Kilgore, Bob McCullough, Orlando Monroe, and Chris Whitcomb.)
Acme Paper co-founder, Edward Attman, passes
Feb. 3, 2016 | Edward Attman, a founder of the Acme Paper & Supply Co., which began in a rented garage and grew to be one of the nation's largest suppliers of paper products, died Tuesday of natural causes at Sinai Hospital, family members said. The longtime Pikesville resident was 95. Local 355 represents 115 drivers and warehouse workers employed with the company. The Baltimore Sun
Teamsters and others fight pension battle over multi-employer fund
Feb. 4, 2016 | A half mile from their union hall, over 220 retired members of Teamsters Local 346 gathered at Holy Family Catholic Church in Duluth's West End in late January to fight for their pensions. But this isn't just a Teamsters fight. They're one of the unions under the knife now, but 200 multi-employer pension funds covering 1.5 million American workers could be in jeopardy for a number of reasons.
US Foods forces Phoenix Teamsters to launch unfair labor practice strike
Feb. 5, 2016 | Teamsters Local 104 members with US Foods took up unfair labor practice pickets yesterday, charging the nation’s second-largest foodservice provider with bargaining in bad faith and discriminating against its union workforce as they attempt to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement.
FAA reauthorization legislation would roll back truckers’ mandatory rest time
Feb. 5, 2016 | Click here to read President Hoffa’s response to a provision included in new FAA reauthorization that would curb states’ ability to require mandatory meal and rest breaks for truck drivers.
Call now and urge Congress to say NO to job-killing TPP
Feb. 10, 2016 | Last week, trade ministers gathered in New Zealand to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But signing the TPP is not the same as it being ratified by Congress. This week, Teamsters from all of the country are flooding Congress with calls demanding they reject the massive trade deal. If we put enough pressure on our Congress members, the entire thing can still be derailed. That's where you come in: Please call the toll-free number 1-844-394-8431 now to join thousands of others urging Congress to oppose the TPP.
Convention delegates, alternates elected on white ballot
Feb. 11, 2016 | Nominations for seven delegates and seven alternates to the 2016 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Convention were held on February 7th at our monthly membership meetings in Baltimore and Salisbury. Because only seven candidates for each were nominated (thus the use of the term white ballot), all were declared duly elected by IBT Elections Officer Frank Sheridan, who oversaw the meeting. Kevin McDermott, past president of Teamsters Local 570 (Baltimore), conducted the nominations.
Delegates: Denis Taylor, Dave White, Bill Alexander, Mark Garey, Janet Genovese, Tim Marvel, and Pete Manus.
Alternates: John Moylan, Pat O'Toole, Joe Seda, Gil Howdershelt, Lance Miller, Chris Greene, Dwayne Miles.
The convention will convene June 27 - July 1, 2016, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The size of the membership determines the number of delegates and alternates to which the Local Union is entitled. Official announcement here.
Hall: WV legislature sides with corporate interests over workers
Feb. 16, 2016| In statement released last Friday following the West Virginia Legislature’s override of the governor’s veto of so-called right-to-work legislation, Secretary-Treasurer and Local 175 President Ken Hall said, “This is a dark day for our state. Lawmakers have chosen to side with out-of-state billionaires over hard-working West Virginians. The Teamsters, together with other union members and working West Virginians, turned out to strongly oppose these bills because we understood passing them would do nothing to help workers earn a fair living…” West Virginia becomes the 26th right-to-work (for less) state on July 1, 2016.
Negotiations resume this week
Feb. 22, 2016| The Teamsters National Automobile Transporters Industry Negotiating Committee (TNATINC) and carhaul employer representatives will reconvene on Thursday, Feb. 25 and Friday, Feb. 26 in Detroit to discuss and exchange proposals for a new national contract. “We hope the next round of talks is productive and the parties are anxious to conclude the talks with a tentative agreement that will meet the membership’s needs and expectations,” said Kevin Moore, Director of the Teamsters Carhaul Division. In the meantime, the union asks that all carhaul members continue to work as usual and look for updates at
Teamster mechanics picket, notify United Airlines passengers of possible strikes
Feb. 29, 2016| Hundreds of United Airlines mechanics picketed Friday at the San Francisco, Los Angeles (LAX), Newark, LaGuardia, Washington Dulles, Cleveland, Boston Logan and Orlando airports, to educate passengers about upcoming strikes. …The mechanics held picket signs that read, "ON STRIKE – Not Yet" and distributed leaflets to United's customers that read, "Passengers Brace for Summer Strike at UNITED"…
Rollback of mandatory driver rest time has no place in bill
Feb. 29, 2016| President James P. Hoffa on Friday applauded Sen. Barbara Boxer's call to remove a measure from FAA legislation that would curb states’ ability to provide higher wages and basic meal and rest breaks for truck drivers. “Yesterday, Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-Calif] took a stand for trucker safety by denouncing a rider that was attached to the House FAA bill that would override meal and rest break rules in 22 states. This threat to highway safety is nothing but an attempt by the American Trucking Association to keep drivers on the clock and behind the wheel as much as possible, yet again prioritizing profits ahead of people…" Related: Bitter battle erupts on Capitol Hill over bathroom breaks for truck drivers
Teamsters: 'Significant progress' at negotiations
Feb. 29, 2016| The Teamsters National Automobile Transporters Industry Negotiating Committee (TNATINC) made significant progress with the carhaul employer representatives after two days of contract negotiations that wrapped up today.“We made significant progress and we plan to meet again in the very near future,” said Kevin Moore, Director of the Teamsters Carhaul Division. “We hope to reach a recommended agreement very soon that addresses the needs of our members.” In the meantime, the union asks that all carhaul members continue to work as usual and look for updates, here.