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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - October 2014
Updated On: Nov 10, 2014

Beginning Oct. 1: Tow trucks included in Maryland's 'move over' law
Oct. 1, 2014
| Motorists will be required by law to move over for tow trucks starting Oct. 1, according to Maryland State Police. The law is intended to provide an extra barrier of safety for police, fire and emergency rescue personnel, and now tow truck drivers, police said… Violation of the "move over" law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point added to a driver's license. Read more here.

Election should be about letting all eligible voters vote
Oct. 3, 2014
| In the first of five in-depth blog posts leading up to the Nov. 4 election that will examine the issues of importance not only to Teamsters, but all workers, Teamster Power writes: "How do you know that Election Day is right around the corner? Because anti-worker forces in key swing states are trying to tamp down on who can and cannot vote." Worth your time to read it here.

Facebook's bus drivers seek union
Oct. 6, 2014
| They shuttle highly paid Facebook employees to and from the company's headquarters in Silicon Valley, yet many say their pay is so low that they can't afford to live in the area. Moreover, many complain that they start work around 6 a.m. and do not finish until 9 p.m., 15 hours later. Now, some of these shuttle bus drivers, who get Facebook employees to work are seeking representation by the Teamsters union. Learn more here.

There's nothing fair about being a woman in the workplace
Oct. 7, 2014
| In the second of five in-depth blog posts leading up to the Nov. 4 election, Teamster Power writes: It may be the 21st century, but for too many working women it might as well be the Dark Ages. Their wages continue to lag significantly behind their male counterparts. And congressional efforts to change it have been hampered repeatedly by Senate Republicans. The latest rebuffing of wage equity came last month, when the GOP halted an effort to move forward with the Paycheck Fairness Act…" Worth your time to read it here.

The Teamster History Project wants your photo
Oct. 8, 2014
| The Teamsters History Project is currently working on a new book for the Teamsters History book series about Teamsters in Military Service and is looking for photos of Teamsters who served in the military at any time during the last 110 years of our history. If you'd like to submit photos of you and/or Teamster relatives who have served in any of the conflicts during that time, you will find additional information and instructions for photo submission here.

After nearly 22 years, Burris Foods driver Melvyn Miller turns in his keys
Oct. 10, 2014
| Miller, still fit and healthy at 71, is tired of driving. "I drove 460 miles today," he said last week when we spoke with him. "Yesterday, 506 miles, 8 deliveries. The strain adds up. Driving is a physical and mental job and after almost 22 years, it has taken it's toll. Oh sure, I still have the desire every day to go out and do a good job for the company, and I make that happen. But I'm tired so I'm retiring. I'll do something else for a while." Miller retired yesterday. Full story here.

Fight against the War on Workers by voting
Oct. 13, 2014
| Show how you're fighting the War on Workers by printing out the "I'm a Teamster and I Vote" sign, hold it up and take a selfie for the Teamster Facebook page. Click here to get your sign.

Teamsters’ teach-in spotlights environmental injustice at hazardous landfill
Oct. 14, 2014 | …Speakers at the session, hosted by Teamsters Joint Council 13, emphasized that 1,600 Teamsters and tens of thousands of other workers live within a short radius of the Republic Service toxic landfill in Bridgeton, Missouri. The landfill contains 8,700 tons of un-containerized radioactive waste… The teach-in made clear that unionists, community residents, faith leaders, environmentalists and pro-worker attorneys were going to be anything but invisible. Read the full story here.

Teamsters make history with first-ever organizing victory at FedEx Freight
Oct. 15, 2014
| A group of 47 drivers at FedEx Freight’s East Philadelphia terminal in Croyden, Pennsylvania, made history yesterday when they overwhelmingly voted to join Teamsters Local 107 in Philadelphia. “We are tired of getting treated with disrespect and dealing with constantly changing unfair and unwritten work rules,” driver Gary Loftus said. “We also want job security and to be valued for the work we do making FedEx Freight successful.” Full story here.

Private sector privileges cost regular workers
Oct. 16, 2014
| …In the third of five in-depth blog posts leading up to the Nov. 4 elections, Teamster Power writes: “The U.S. has a population of more than 317 million people It has more than 146 million registered voters. But increasingly, elected officials seem to believe their only constituency is the Fortune 500… Between big business outsourcing jobs overseas and the billion doled out by the federal government in tax breaks directly to corporations every year, you’ll excuse those who believe President Lincoln’s famous clarion for American government has morphed into ‘Of, By, and For the Company.’ Full story here.

Send your boss a message every Thursday
Oct. 17, 2014
| Wear your Teamster colors every Thursday to show Sysco and US Foods our solidarity in demanding answers about what will happen to us if this merger goes through. Teamsters have been outside Sysco, US Foods, Sygma, Stock Yards, and FreshPoint facilities across the country on behalf of all workers— union and non-union. Let’s show Sysco and US Foods that we are standing strong together.

Local union shop stewards complete three days of extensive training
Oct. 18, 2014
| Local stewards were awarded recognition certificates today at the conclusion of a grueling three-day seminar held in Williamsburg, Virginia. "Without the work you do this union would not function, and on behalf of the membership, I sincerely thank you," said President Denis Taylor during his remarks expressing appreciation and support to the 112 stewards who participated in the training. The Local sponsors shop steward training every other year. Photos are available in the photo gallery (photo IDs to come). Story to follow. Stay tuned...

They're Teamsters and they vote! *
Oct. 20, 2014
| Local 355 shop stewards showed their power last week during a break at the Local-sponsored steward seminar. Proud to be part of a politically powerful union, these members contribute, are registered and ready to vote on November 4th. Are you? * Pictured left, Sabrina Beverly (Avis Rent-a-Car) and right, (left to right) Gilbert Howdershelt (Burris Foods) and Lynnwood Bowe (Burris Foods).

Penn Fibre Teamsters proud of their work to improve the workplace
Oct. 22, 2014
| The company's BOOM (Because Our Opinions Matter) program culminated in a week-long, interior and exterior repair and revitalization project of Penn Fibre's thermoplastics manufacturing facility. Workers were invited to tell management what improvements were necessary to make the plant more efficient, productive and safe. They did, and the results are proof their opinions do indeed matter. Story and pictures here.

Workers hold the future of inequality in their hands
Oct. 31, 2014
| In the final of five in-depth blog posts leading up to the Nov. 4 elections, Teamster Power writes: "Our nation's economic recovery may seem real to those who compile government statistics or for the elites on Wall Street and Capitol Hill. But ask the average rank-and-file worker in cities and towns across America, and you'll likely get a much different answer. Despite a reduction in the U.S. unemployment rate, workers are still struggling. The reason is simple — jobs that paid a fair salary and supported families before the Great Recession have been replaced by those that pay the minimum wage or not much higher. Continue reading here.

Teamsters Local 355
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