FedEx Freight workers In New Jersey vote to join Teamsters
Nov. 1, 2014 | A group of 113 drivers at FedEx Freight’s South Brunswick, N.J., terminal voted yesterdy to join Teamsters Local 701. The vote was 66 to 42. “This victory is for all of us,” said Mike Thiemer, a driver. “We are tired of the unfair and inconsistent work rules and policies handed down by management. It comes down to wanting to be treated with respect and dignity.” Full story here.
The ballot box is the great equalizer for workers
Nov. 3, 2014 | American workers are facing significant challenges. Whether it's low pay, a system that favors corporation over citizens, a gender wage gap, the effects of unfair trade or a voting system that hampers the most disadvantaged among us, these problems are real. But will those most affected the most bother to do something about it? The public has heard it before, and they will hear it again from me as well – vote. But are people going to do it? Continue reading General President Hoffa here.
Teamsters are being called to action on Fast Track legislation this week
Nov. 10, 2014 | As Congress returns to Capitol Hill for the lame-duck session, there has been some chatter about an attempt to pass Fast Track legislation before the end of the year. If Fast Track is passed, job-killing trade agreements like the TPP that have been negotiated largely in secret could become law by a simple "yes" or "no" vote, without the possibility of amendments. The TPP would mean even more jobs sent overseas and possibly a ban on our Buy American laws. Please help us tell Congress that Fast Track is the wrong track by signing the Teamster petition today. And please share the petition with your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers.
Teamsters step up union drive at FedEx Freight, Con-way
Nov. 11, 2014 | The push by the Teamsters comes as a shortage of experienced drivers in the trucking industry is prompting companies to hike pay and offer improved working conditions… Five ballots are scheduled at FedEx Freight facilities this month, with the next due Nov. 12 in Newark, New Jersey. Full source story here.
Hoffa's message to Teamster active duty military and veterans
Nov. 11, 2014 | "For more than a century – from World Wars I and II to Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Golf and, most recently, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – the Teamsters have proudly welcomed our fighting men and women home and back to work. And on this Veteran's Day, the Teamsters Union wants all of our veterans to know how thankful we are for their service to our nation..." Continue reading here.
(L-R): Trustee Ed Mulford (US Foods); Business Agents Marcus Smith, Eric Wood, and John Caparatta; Recording Secretary Bill Alexander; Business Agent Chip Elgert; President Denis Taylor; Business Agent Mark Garey; Secretary-Treasurer Dave White; Trustee Tim Marvel (UPS), Vice President Ervin Williams, Business Agents Dan Taylor and Jim Deene. Not pictured: Trustee Janet Geneovese (UPS), and Business Agent Charles Marshall.
Local 355 officers and trustees elected to 2015-2017 term
Nov. 12, 2014 | Nominations for Local Union Office for the term January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017, were held Sunday, November 2, 2014, at the Baltimore and Salisbury union halls. All current officers were nominated and unopposed. Four Local 355 members were nominated for three trustee positions. Following the nomination meeting, one was determined ineligible to hold office. View the official notice of the nomination results here.
Teamsters mourn tragic death of Brother Jim Bethea
Nov. 13, 2014 | Editor’s note: According to a Baltimore Sun report Friday, Brother Bethea’s death has been ruled accidental. The tragic death of James Bethea, a Baltimore City Fire safety officer and retired Baltimore Sun delivery driver, on Wednesday after responding to a fire in Baltimore, has stunned and saddened our union family. Brother Bethea worked as a part-time driver from June 1989 until his retirement from the paper in December 2013. "Teamsters Local 355 will be represented at his funeral next Thursday, Nov. 20th," said Business Agent Jim Deene. "Details are still in development, but we plan to be a strong presence at the services to honor our union brother and support his family." * Baltimore Sun story here. * Viewing and funeral information here.
Prison conditions are working conditions
Nov. 17, 2014 | In The Public Interest * has recently published an article "Prison Conditions are Working Conditions" which describe how an estimated 800,000 people work in American prisons and jails across the country. Workers in prisons range from uniformed corrections officers walking along cell blocks to the civilian staff which usually include nurses, therapists, cooks and educators. Too often, overcrowding, understaffing and budget cuts result in dangerous conditions that put workers and prisoners alike in jeopardy. * In the Public Interest is a comprehensive resource center on privatization and responsible contracting. Read the brief article here.
Facebook bus drivers vote to join Teamsters
Nov. 21, 2014 | Contract shuttle drivers who serve Facebook’s employees voted 43-28 Wednesday to joint the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, marking a victory in Silicon Valley for one of America’s largest unions. Of the 87 shuttle-bus drivers who work for Loop Transportations, 43 voted in favor of representation by Teamsters Local 853…Continue reading here.
This Black Friday, will you stand with striking Walmart workers?
Nov. 26, 2014 | Walmart’s owners, the Walton heirs, have more wealth than 42 percent of the United States. Yet Walmart employees aren’t able to afford to feed their families. Just recently in Oklahoma, a Walmart store actually put out a food bin to collect canned goods for its hungry employees. Walmart workers deserve better treatment than this. They want a raise, not charity. So this Black Friday, there will be protests at 1,600 stores across the country to show solidarity. It’s simple to join their protests: Go to to find an action near you. Bring a sign and your cellphone, and take a selfie. Post it on your Facebook page or send it to the Facebook page of the Walmart workers organization, Organization United for Respect at Walmart (Our Walmart).