to benefit Cuz We Care, Inc.*
Saturday, July 26, 2014
LaFontaine Bleue
7514 S. Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, Md., 21061
$40 per person
$15.50 4-12 years old (Under 4 - free)
Cut-off date for tickets is June 30th!
Raffles, Door Prizes, 50/50s, Money Wheel
Featuring live music by Swimmin' With Sharks and Last Call
Menu includes Roast Beef, Rotiserrie Chicken, Sausage w/Onions and Peppers, Pulled Pork, and More... Side Dishes and Desserts
Soda and Beer; Cash Bar Available
Tickets may be purchased through PayPal at ADMIN@CUZWECARE.NET
Sell 10 tickets, get the 10th one free!
Contact Stacy Connell at 410-519-7317
or Local 355 retiree Mike Brett at 410-590-5150
* All proceeds benefit Cux We Care, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to families who have experienced the sudden loss of a child.