Congratulations to Brandon Carter, Matt Gunzelman, Felix Guinto, and Matt Parks (UPS/Baltimore), above, for their First Place win in the Local's bi-annual golf event held Saturday, Sept. 25th at Chesapeake Golf Course in Rising Sun, Md.
Oct. 15, 2021 | On Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021, Local 355 golf enthusiasts made the trek to Rising Sun, Md., for the Local’s bi-annual event, held for the first time at the Chesapeake Bay Golf Course. Members from ABF, DHL, Kraft-Heinz, Piedmont Airlines, and UPS joined Local 355 retirees and staff members on the 18-hole course under sunny skies and warm weather. Photo Gallery images can be viewed here. Click on the first photo to enlarge, then use the arrow at the bottom right to navigate through the file.

Above, Second Place: Above, Charlie Huber, Scott Mandel, Troy Palmisano, and Mike Schiller (UPS/Baltimore).
Right, Third Place: Sean Chesnavag, Tony Moscella, Richard Albright, Cody Geho (UPS/Quad).
This year Brandon Carter (UPS/Baltimore), below left, took two prizes – Longest Drive Hole #16 and Closest to Pin, Hole #15.
Peter Williams (UPS/Hunt Valley), bottom left, won Close to the Pin, Hole #5
Hamilton Brannon (DHL), below right, won Straightest Drive, Hole #1.
Kevin Hopp (DHL), not pictured, won Closest to Pin, Hole #13.
