A.R.M. Executive Board 2011
Local 355's Association of Retired Members (ARM) installed officers and trustees to a new 3-year term during its September membership meeting in Baltimore.
The committee coordinates the Association's annual events and membership meetings.
The group is an important extension (arm) of the Local, providing support and assistance for the Local's officers, agents and members, and provides maintenance of the Baltimore building and grounds.
L-R: (Seated) Vice President Joe Reichert (Sysco); President Bob Eney (UPS); Treasurer Frank Supiot (Reliable Liquor). (Standing) Trustee Ray Bularz (UPS); Secretary Mike Brett (UPS); Sgt. of Arms Frank Barnett (JP Food Service); Trustee Ron Cain (UPS); Trustee Mel Holden (UPS); Trustee Tom Miskimon (UPS).