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September 15, 2024

Today in 1926
The Post Office Department orders 25,000 railway mail clerks to shoot to kill any bandits attempting to rob the mail. ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - June 2023
Updated On: Jul 10, 2023

O’Brien: SCOTUS attacks all U.S. workers
June 1, 2023 
|  “The political hacks at the Supreme Court have again voted in favor of corporations over working people,” said General President Sean M. O’Brien in a statement on today’s Court ruling in Glacier Northwest, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174 which opens the door for corporations to sue their own workers. “These corruptible justices should be ashamed of themselves for throwing out a long-standing precedent and legislating from the bench. The ability to strike has been on the books for nearly 100 years, and it’s no coincidence that this ruling is coming at a time when workers across the country are fed up and exercising their rights more and more.” Full statement here. NBC News: Supreme Court rules company can pursue strike damage claim

Sign up for June 7th webinar for latest updates on national negotiations
June 2, 2023 
|  All UPS Teamsters are strongly encouraged to join an important Zoom webinar scheduled for Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 8 pm ET. General President O’Brien, General Secretary-Treasurer Zukerman, and other members of the National Negotiating Committee will provide updates on the status of negotiations, the contract campaign, the current campaign timeline, a summary of the tentative agreements reached to date, and other important news. Registration is required! Click here to sign up.

Successor contracts at Perishable Deliveries and RNDC ratified
June 5, 2023 
|  Local Union 355 bargaining for a new contract at Perishable Deliveries produced an agreement that increases wages 25 percent over its three-year term. In addition, members will receive an increase in the employer’s contribution to the pension and a reduction in the number of hours employees must work to receive overtime pay. In April, with 90 percent of eligible members voting, a new contract at Republic National Distributing Company (RNDC) was overwhelmingly approved. Wages will increase by 15.5 percent over the term of the three-year agreement. Other significant improvements include... Continued

Teamsters Rail Conference wins gains, protections for members
June 6, 2023 
|  The Teamsters Rail Conference recently notched victories in the ongoing fight to improve the lives of its members. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) in May reached a tentative agreement with Norfolk Southern Corporation to provide seven paid sick days per year to BLET members. More at

Union reaches tentative agreement with ABF
June 7, 2023 
|  The Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) and ABF Freight System have tentatively agreed to terms for a new national contract. Once ratified, the proposed five-year contract will provide members with wage increases and improvements to benefits and working conditions, among other gains. Teamster representatives will meet in Chicago next week to review the tentative agreement before sending it to the membership for a ratification vote. The Teamsters represent approximately 8,600 ABF truck drivers, dock workers, and other members nationwide. The current five-year agreement expires June 30. Full release here.

Temp Check! New feature available on the UPS Teamsters app
June 12, 2023 
|  Right now our National Negotiating Committee and Safety and Health Subcommittee are pushing UPS to take meaningful steps to protect UPSers from heat-related injury and illness. To that end, a new feature on the UPS Teamsters app allows members to report issues related to heat safety and health risks, including water fountains, moldy ice machines, and excruciating temperatures. Tap “Report Heat Issues” on the app, then complete the simple form and attach photos.

Secret ballot strike authorization vote scheduled for TForce Teamsters
June 7, 2023 
|  The strike authorization vote for the Elkridge TForce members is scheduled for Sunday, June 11, at 10 am at Local 355's Baltimore union hall. The vote for Federalsburg TForce members will be conducted at the Federalsburg terminal on June 12, 7:30-9:00 am. Results will be announced on Friday, June 16.

Secret ballot strike authorization vote schedule for UPS Teamsters
June 7, 2023 
|  The schedule for the UPS Teamsters strike authorization vote in Baltimore and on the Eastern Shore is set. Click here to viewStrike authorization votes will be recorded in person at the local union halls and at the gates of UPS facilities. Results will be announced on Friday, June 16.

UPS must negotiate with Teamsters before introducing new technologies
June 12, 2023 
|  UPS Inc. and the Teamsters union have reached 24 separate tentative contract agreements, including the ban on UPS introducing new technologies without first bargaining with the union. Under one of the agreements, UPS would be required to negotiate with the Teamsters at least 45 days before it introduces certain technology such as drones, driverless vehicles, and platooning into its network, Teamsters General President Sean O'Brien said during a webinar on Wednesday updating members on progress in negotiating a new master contract once the current five-year agreement expires July 31. Freightwaves

Teamsters secure air conditioning for UPS fleet
June 14, 2023 
|  The Teamsters and UPS agreed to tentative language to equip the delivery and logistics company’s fleet of vehicles with air conditioning systems, new heat shields, and additional fans during national contract negotiations on Tuesday. The new contract language would mandate UPS equip in-cab air conditioning systems in all larger delivery vehicles, smaller sprinter vans, and all of UPS’ most recognizable brown package cars purchased after Jan. 1, 2024. Read more here.

President Denis Taylor retires; Executive Board appoints Mark Garey 
June 14, 2023 
|  Effective June 1, 2023, Teamsters Local 355 President Denis Taylor retired, concluding almost 30 years as the Local’s principal officer. The Executive Board appointed Mark Garey, Local 355 recording secretary since 2016, to complete Taylor’s term. The Board also appointed Business Agent Mike Petro to fill Garey’s position. President Garey said about Taylor’s well-earned retirement, “I want to extend my personal thanks to Denis for all his years of service to the members of this Local Union. Denis took pride in representing them with integrity and honesty, and his commitment to always do the right thing on their behalf was indisputable. Congratulations to Mike Petro on his new role as Local 355 recording secretary. He will be a valuable asset to our Executive Board.” 

Union officials unanimously approve national contract proposal
June 15, 2023 
|  Union local leaders have announced their endorsement and support for the tentative agreement reached between the Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) and ABF Freight. The national contract covers over 8,500 members. Highlights of the tentative agreement here.

Ninety-seven percent of UPS Teamsters approve strike
June 16, 2023 
|  UPS Teamsters have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike, giving the union maximum leverage to win demands at the bargaining table. The powerful vote allows the UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee to call a strike should UPS fail to come to terms on a strong new contract by July 31, when the union’s current National Master Agreement expires.Read more here.

Ninety-one percent of TForce members approve strike 
June 16, 2023 
|  Teamsters at TForce Freight have overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike. This strong mandate reflects the strength and unity of the members’ fight for a strong national contract. The Teamsters represent more than 7,000 workers at TForce nationwide. Read more here.

Teamsters honor Juneteenth
June 19, 2023 
|  Today, Teamsters join communities around the nation to honor the 158th anniversary of the first Juneteenth, a federal holiday marking the end of slavery. In recognition of Juneteenth, Teamsters Human Rights & Diversity Commission Director Anthony M. Rosa released the following statement: “As a union that is deeply committed to social justice and equality, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is proud to celebrate Juneteenth. …While June 19, 1865, marked a historic day in our nation’s history, it was only the beginning of a long journey towards true social and economic freedom for Black Americans.” Read the full statement here. Related: The UPS National Negotiating Committee is pushing the company to do the right thing.

BREAKING: Teamsters, UPS come to terms on all non-economic issues
June 20, 2023 
|  With a tentative agreement on new language — and new money — to safeguard members and their vehicles in company parking lots, the Teamsters and UPS came to terms on all non-economic issues during national contract negotiations on Tuesday. “We have reached tentative agreements on well over 40 non-economic issues that affect all our members at UPS, and we did it as a team. The Teamsters haven’t sacrificed a single concession in these negotiations,” said Teamsters General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman. Read more here.

Tonight! UPS Teamsters member update webinar
June 21, 2023 
|  Hear about the status of national negotiations from General President Sean M. O'Brien, General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, and other members of the UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee tonight at 8 pm. Registration is required:

ABF members to vote Sunday, June 25 on contract TA 
June 23, 2023 
|  ABF Teamsters nationwide are currently voting on the tentative agreement reached between the Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee and ABF Freight. Local 355 will conduct the in-person secret ballot vote beginning at 10 am Sunday, June 25. The submission deadline for ballots to the IBT is June 29. 2023-2028 ABF National Master Freight Agreement & Supplements and Highlight Flier

Teamsters to UPS: No more meetings until money gets real
June 23, 2023 
|  UPS executives gave the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee an appalling economic counterproposal on Thursday as negotiations resumed in Washington. The company’s proposal, which would affect more than 340,000 UPS Teamsters, included minimal raises and overall wage cuts to workers’ cost-of-living adjustments. The Teamsters’ committee unanimously rejected UPS’s disrespectful package. The negotiating committee told UPS they will not meet again until the company makes a realistic and respectful economic offer. Read more here.

General E-Board reviews organizing, contract fights, national campaigns
June 26, 2023 
|  The Teamsters are prepared to mount and win big battles for better contracts and secure protections for more workers organizing into the union for the first time. That was the message made clear by General President O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Zuckerman during a regular meeting of the union’s General Executive Board on Saturday in Washington. Teamster leaders from across the country and Canada reviewed the growth of organizing victories from the previous three months and analyzed legislative campaigns to put more pressure on elected officials to support working people at federal and local levels. “On any given day, corporations are out there looking for every chance to take something back from working people. Weaker wages, fewer rights. The Teamsters will not take our eye off this constant threat,” O’Brien said. “We will grow, we will attack, we will never back down, and workers will reclaim what’s rightfully theirs.” Teamsters Facebook

Spring Golf 2023: And the winners are…
June 26, 2023 
|  RNDC Teamsters (right) denied their UPS brothers another winners circle sweep with a Third Place score at this year’s spring golf outing on the Eastern Shore. Details and photos at 355 News.

Teamsters blast Yellow Corp.’s baseless lawsuit 
June 27, 2023 
|  The union today called out the freight company for false claims and gross mismanagement. It categorically denies the baseless allegations made by Yellow Corporation in its frivolous lawsuit filed today. Read the full press release here.

Teamsters to UPS: You’ve got one week
June 27, 2023 
|  UPS returned to the bargaining table with the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee on Tuesday morning — without a revised or respectful economic proposal in hand. With the full committee behind him, General President Sean M. O’Brien took UPS to task, harshly reiterating that the Teamsters will not work beyond July 31 without a new contract. “UPS has wasted enough time and hoarded these record profits. Our members want what they have earned.”

National contract overwhelmingly ratified
June 30, 2023 
|  ABF Teamsters have overwhelmingly ratified a new national contract at ABF Freight, as well as 25 of 27 supplemental agreements. The five-year master agreement provides members with improvements to wages, benefits, and working conditions, among other gains. Ballots were counted today after two weeks of in-person voting. The agreement covers approximately 8,600 members at 137 local unions throughout the U.S.  Learn more here.

Teamsters Local 355
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