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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - July 2020
Updated On: Aug 13, 2020

Public Services members: Listen to the latest Member Town Hall
July 7, 2020 | Check out the Public Services Division’s “Member Town Hall” webinar recorded on June 25 to learn what Teamster members can do to keep safe and stay sane during the COVID-19 pandemic, featuring video messages from General President James P. Hoffa and Public Services Division Director Jason Rabinowitz as well as an informative discussion from Gretchen Grindle, LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) and Lamont Byrd, of our Safety & Health Department. Listen here.

Burris Foods driver's daughter, a Hoffa Scholarship winner, becomes a doctor
July 7, 2020 | Nine years ago, the daughter of long-time Local 355 Teamster and Burris Foods driver, Leonard Russell, set her sights on a medical career. With her father’s encouragement, Rebecca applied for and received a $10,000 award from the 2011 James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund. Today, as Rebecca Jean Russell, M.D., she is doing her medical residency at Christiana Care Hospital in Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. Russell achieved her dream of becoming a family physician specializing in geriatrics after a grueling eight-year educational quest. “Thank you so much for supporting me and my family on my journey to becoming a medical doctor,” Dr. Russell wrote in a recent letter to the Teamsters... Continue reading at 355 News  (Pictured: Proud dad, Leonard, with daughter Dr. Rebecca Russell)

Public sector jobs at risk due to Senate inaction
July 10, 2020 | The coronavirus pandemic has obviously taken a toll on the nation’s economic security. Millions have lost their jobs in the last four months. But while there have been some encouraging signs, millions of additional public sector jobs are hanging in the balance because hard-hit state and local governments might not be able to cover their salaries in the months to come. A recent blog by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) explains what’s at stake. State and local governments are facing a shortfall in tax revenues while doling out additional services due to COVID-19. Female and Black workers will be disproportionately affected by such cuts because they are employed in the public sector at higher rates. That’s why the Teamsters and other unions have been… Continue reading here.

Tribune Publishing journalists launch campaign seeking new ownership 
July 14, 2020 | NewsGuild Union journalists representing 10 Tribune Publishing Co. publications across the country have launched a collective campaign to return these institutions to local ownership. In a sweeping vote of no confidence in Tribune’s current leadership, NewsGuild members at publications including The Capital Gazette, The Chicago Tribune, The Hartford Courant, The Morning Call, The Orlando Sentinel, The Virginian-Pilot and more are seeking local investors who recognize that local newspapers are vital community institutions. These campaigns will run parallel to The Baltimore Sun Guild’s Save Our Sun campaign… Continue reading at 355 News

New edition of Teamsters podcast available
July 16, 2020 Listen to the latest edition of the Teamsters Podcast and hear how a former attorney for the union is now running for the U.S. Senate. Plus, an update on critical federal legislation to keep workers safe and economically secure, and two Local 743 health care workers share what it’s like to on the frontlines of the coronavirus. 

Update from the Teamsters Express Division
July 17, 2020 |  From Division Director Bill Hamilton: “As the Covid-19 pandemic continues and is worsening in some parts of the country, I hope our Express Division Teamsters are staying healthy and as safe as possible. At DHL Express, shipping volumes are up drastically, especially in the Philadelphia area where I am. In Philadelphia, 49 additional full-time positions were filled on July 13, bringing the total to 160. And with volumes increasing, that number could go to 220 by September….” Continue reading the update here

Hoffa on passing of Congressman John Lewis
July 20, 2020 | “Last night, our country lost a lion of the civil rights movement and a national force for good. As Teamsters, we are devastated to learn of the passing of Congressman John Lewis. “John Lewis dedicated his life to causes that were bigger than himself. For more than 60 years, his courageous leadership gave hope to the entire nation, reminding us all to be better. “More than anything, John Lewis was a fighter… Continue reading here

Teamsters across the country strike for Black lives
July 21, 2020 | Workers with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters joined other major national labor organizations, leading racial and social justice groups, and activists in the national Strike for Black Lives. Hundreds of Teamsters across the U.S., joined by thousands more who walked off of their jobs for eight minutes and 46 seconds in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many other Black people who are victims of police violence. “The International Brotherhood of Teamsters was founded on the principle of winning justice for all workers, and that cannot happen unless we dismantle racism and racist systems that continue to hold Black workers back,” said Marcus King, Director of the Human Rights and Diversity Commission at the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Read the full press release hereRelated: Workers in 25 cities held a short strike to protest systemic racism in society and the economy

‘Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act’ must be included in Senate’s stimulus package
July 23, 2020 |The shutdown of the U.S. economy in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to amplify the pension crisis facing many Teamster members, retirees and their families. Since this pandemic began, our Union has demanded that Congress address this crisis as part of any federal legislation to stabilize and stimulate the economy. The House passed the HEROES Act (H.R. 6800) which included the Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act, creating a special partition program at the PBGC to rescue financially troubled multiemployer pension plans without cutting benefits.  We support the Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act.  Unfortunately, the HEROES Act also included the GROW Act, which we oppose. That was in May. Click here to tell your Senators to pass their own stimulus bill NOW.

Hoffa: Infrastructure investment holds key to improving economy
July 27, 2020 | Most Americans use these systems every day, including hundreds of thousands of Teamsters, be it as truckers, railroad workers, bus drivers, building tradesmen and others. Our nation’s failure to maintain and improve this infrastructure is costing Americans. The irony is that increased infrastructure spending is widely supported, with a recent poll showing 80 percent back it. Increasing investments in necessary networks is essential to turning the economy around. Why? Because infrastructure jobs, unlike those in other sectors, can’t be outsourced… Continue reading here.

Package Division update from Denis Taylor, Director
July 30, 2020 | As all of you are aware, we are living through an unprecedented time at UPS. As the Covid-19 pandemic reached the United States, the shopping and buying habits of the general population changed dramatically. From online grocery orders to purchasing everyday items like paper goods and clothing, consumers are staying home and having these things delivered. The residential volume that our members are processing daily exceeds peak season levels by a large margin. No one feels the effects of this surge more than you. As a frontline essential worker you have kept this company afloat. You have worked through equipment shortages, manpower shortages, and personal protective gear shortages. The only thing we haven’t seen shortages of is cardboard… Continue reading here.

UPS shipping volume soars 65%
July 31, 2020 | The pandemic-fueled boom in online shopping shows no signs of slowing down, providing more business for delivery companies like UPS Inc. UPS said Thursday that its shipments from businesses to U.S. consumers soared 65% in the second quarter, helping lift the delivery giant to a $1.77 billion profit… Continue reading here   Related: Why UPS skyrocketed on Thursday

What you need to know about Maryland's mask mandate
July 31, 2020 | Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order Wednesday expanding mask-wearing restrictions, mandating that everyone older than 5 must wear masks inside all public buildings, including restaurants, houses of worship, gyms, casinos, stores and office buildings starting Friday at 5 p.m. Masks also will now be required outdoors whenever it is not possible to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from others. Learn more here.


Teamsters Local 355
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