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February 19, 2025

Today in 1918
 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. 
~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - January 2017
Updated On: Feb 20, 2017

Cool labor book: ‘A People’s History of the United States’
Jan. 3, 2017 | If your last serious read of American history was in high school – or even in a standard college course – you’ll want to read this amazing account of America as seen through the eyes of its working people, women and minorities. Howard Zinn (1922-2010) was a widely respected historian, author, playwright, and social activist. In A People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present, he turns history on its head with his carefully researched and dramatic recounting of America and its people – not just its bankers, industrialists, generals and politicians. This book will give you a whole new way of looking at and understanding the world around you. Order it at Union Communication Services.

Hoffa: Workers need real pension reform
Jan. 4, 2017 | The Teamsters won a battle over pensions last month in Congress as part of a short-term spending bill. But there is still a long way to go in this fight to protect the retirement security of hundreds of thousands of workers in Michigan and across the United States. At stake is the security of many retirees…

Trucker deaths top all others in the workforce
Jan. 6, 2017 | The Teamsters for years have been front-and-center in the fight for ensuring proper rest breaks for truckers. A new government report shows why that effort is so very important. A National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries for 2015 found that heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers recorded 745 fatal injuries, the most of any occupation...

University of California Teamsters go on strike for fair wages, pensions
Jan. 10, 2017 | Today, thousands of University of California (UC) administrative, clerical and support workers are on strike across the Golden State, taking a stand against a UC system that has turned its back on them by not paying them a wage that allows them to support themselves and their families. More than 12,000 workers, members of 2010, walked off the job Tuesday to protest the numerous unfair practices and violations of state law committed by UC…

Local 355 students awarded James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarships
Jan. 10, 2017 | Ryan Power, left, the oldest son of George Power (UPS/Hunt Valley), and Marella  Schammel, right, daughter of William Schammel (UPS/Hunt Valley) each received $1,000 scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year from the Teamsters Union’s annual national scholarship program. The James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 to honor the memory of former Teamster General President James R. Hoffa. The Fund provides scholarships to the child or dependent of a member of the Teamsters. Last year, the Fund awarded $1,200,000 in scholarships. A graduate of Calvert Hall College High School, Towson, Md., Ryan is attending Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore City. His course of study is... Continued here

Teamsters, carhaul employer group negotiations begin
Jan. 11, 2017 | Following the membership vote to not ratify a new National Agreement and Central/Southern Supplement in September 2016, the carhaul employers group asked the Teamsters National Automobile Transporters Industry Negotiating Committee (TNATINC) to return to the bargaining table. Contract negotiations began in Detroit yesterday…

355 Update: New contract with Rezenberger/Hallcon; successor contract ok’d at Penn Fibre
Jan. 11, 2017 | Locals 355 and 453 reached a first tentative agreement with Rezenberger/Hallcon, covering 67 drivers who approved the TA in November. The company is a ground transportation service for CSX in Cumberland and Baltimore MD, and Washington, DC. Penn Fibre members overwhelmingly ratified in December a three-year contract that provides… Continued

Notice to members: Amports East is hiring
Jan. 18, 2017 | Amports will hire up to fifteen new employees in the following classifications: shuttle drivers, railroad vehicle unloaders, and inspectors. Located in the Fairfield area of Baltimore, Amports East is one of the largest vehicle processing company (automobile import and export) in the United States. Applications are being accepted now. Download details here.

In appreciation, retirees club presents Local 355 with very large gift
Jan. 20, 2017 | The Local 355 Association of Retired Members (A.R.M.) made a surprise presentation of a state-of-the-art television to the union during its monthly meeting Thursday at the Baltimore hall. The Vizio SmartCast E-Series 70” Class Ultra HD Home Theater Display will replace the rarely-used, dated TV currently in the members meeting hall. “Our Retiree Bowling League wanted to do something special to show our sincere appreciation for everything Local 355 does for us,” said Bob Eney, president of the club. “It really is amazing,” Secretary-Treasurer Dave White said about the generous gift. “These guys take nothing for granted here; they are always giving back. We’ve worked with them for years and they were like part of the family. That connection continues today.” White said he looks forward to putting the high-tech TV to good use. “The IBT produces excellent training and organizing videos that we’ll now be able to share with our members and stewards.” Pictured, left to right: A.R.M. Trustee Ray Bularz (UPS); Mike Krainer, retired Local 355 trustee, (Sysco); A.R.M. Secretary Mike Brett (UPS); Dave White; A.R.M. President Bob Eney (UPS); A.R.M. Vice President Joe Reichert (Sysco).

Teamsters, carhaul employer group reach tentative agreement
Jan. 24, 2017 | A tentative agreement (TA) reached with the National Automobile Transporters Labor Division (NATLD) has been unanimously endorsed by the Teamsters National Automobile Transporters Industry Negotiating Committee (TNATINC). The committee believes the TA meets the goals of the carhaul members and provides for their long-term job security while protecting members’ benefits and standard of living. Details of the tentative agreement will be announced when leaders from local unions meet to review the proposal in about two weeks, at a date to be determined. Stay tuned.

Teamsters add gender identity to non-discrimination policy
Jan. 27, 2017 | The IBT instructed its locals across the United Stated to update their bylaws this year, declaring that members can no longer discriminate against a fellow worker based on mental disability or gender identity. Members of the union took an oath under the old laws that had them swear to not “discriminate against a fellow worker on account of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical ability, national origin or sexual orientation.” The addendum to the bylaws, which went into effect on January 1, now says that workers can’t discriminate against “any other legally protected group” either. ..

President Hoffa interview with Fox News host Neil Cavuto *
Jan. 27, 2017 | On Wednesday, Hoffa discussed jobs, trade, infrastructure investment and minimum wage increases on Fox News. Watch the interview here* On Friday, Jan. 28th, Hoffa appeared on CNBC's Closing Bell

Local Union leaders to review tentative agreement February 16
Jan. 31, 2017 | Leaders of local unions that represent Teamster carhaul members will meet on Thursday, Feb. 16 in Detroit to review the TA and supplements. If they agree to endorse the TA and supplements, it will go to carhaul members for a ratification vote. Stay tuned for here for updates.

Teamsters Local 355
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