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February 17, 2025

Today in 1992
 Born this day in 1809,  Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int’l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university.  ~ Labor Tribune

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News Items - May 2022
Updated On: Jun 06, 2022

Teamsters urge drivers to sign up for 9.5 list
The Teamsters Package Division is urging eligible UPS package drivers to protect themselves from excessive overtime by signing up on the 9.5 list, as required by the National Master Agreement. Deadline is June 5th. The requirement was suspended during the pandemic, but as of June 5, the company will no longer honor the current 9.5 list. That means drivers need to sign up to get on the list to protect their rights. Learn more here.

Proposals exchanged; negotiations scheduled for this week
May 2, 2022 In the lead-up to negotiations, the union launched a member-driven campaign to listen to the concerns of carhaulers throughout the country. Earlier this month, the Teamsters Carhaul Division put out a bargaining survey for members to provide feedback on the issues that mattered most in the new contract. Avril Thompson, Freight Division Director, and Fred Zuckerman, Teamsters General Secretary-Treasurer, both said that the Teamsters are committed to negotiating a national contract that raises standards and improves driver retention throughout the carhaul industry. Negotiations are scheduled to take place on May 4 and 5, in Romulus, Mich. Read the contract update here.

Negotiations kick off in Michigan
May 6, 2022 The Teamsters National Automobile Transporters Industry Negotiating Committee (TNATINC) met with carhaul employers in Romulus, Michigan this week. All proposals from both sides of the table were presented, explained and discussed. There was productive dialogue between the parties throughout the first round of negotiations. Rank-and-file members on the TNATINC played an important role in the discussions, providing detailed explanations of the proposals and positions of the union. The TNATINC will meet again in Romulus, Michigan on Monday, May 16. Negotiations will take place through Friday, May 20. Learn more here.

Solidarity! BIG support from Local 120 for our striking Sysco members
May 9, 2022 Teamsters Local 120 (Minnesota) sent its eighteen-wheeler Saturday, May 7 to Local 355’s picket line in Jessup, Md. (Facebook video here.) Local 120 represents employees at Sysco facilities in Minnesota and North Dakota.

Teamsters vote to accept latest Sysco offer, end strike 
May 11, 2022 Drivers and warehouse workers employed by Sysco today accepted by secret ballot the company’s latest offer and will return to work. The offer came nearly two weeks after members went out on strike after contract negotiations broke down. The Teamsters bargained in good faith, said one driver after the vote. “And today our members came together to make a decision for the good of all.” 

Helpful tips for Members & Stewards are posted every Monday
May 16, 2022 Do you know what a contract campaign is? Do you know why it's important to file a grievance in a timely manner? Are you aware that besides what is in your contract, your workplace may have its own unwritten rules? Every Monday we provide answers to those and other questions, and quick tips to help you learn more about the Local Union and your role in it. Available under Members, Tips for Members. Stewards, do you know what your steward rights are? When is past practice relevant?  The Weekly Stewards' Tip will help make your role as a steward easier. ( Forgot your password? Email for assistance.)

Contract expires May 31 and will not be extended 
May 23, 2022 Bargaining continues today. After last week's talks, Avral Thompson, Carhaul Division Director and TNATINC Co-Chairman, said, “We have been making steady progress at the table. The committee will return to Romulus on Monday to meet with the employers again. We are prepared to negotiate through the holiday weekend until an agreement is reached.” A strike authorization vote was held this past weekend. Carhual Teamsters are encouraged to stay informed and keep in touch with their local union for more information. Learn more here.

Local 41 driver brings union’s roots alive with Teamster horse hitch 
May 23, 2022 (Click photo to enlarge.) Teamsters Local 41 member Shawn Gordon knows exactly why his union is called the Teamsters. And he wants newer generations to understand it too. The ABF driver, who’s been a member of the union since 1994, said his grandfather drove teams of horses in New York City. So Gordon, who lives in Missouri, decided to do the same in his free time in a Teamster-branded carriage, taking horses on the road to parades and fairs so others could see them… Continue reading

Members vote overwhelmingly to authorize strike
May 25, 2022 Over the weekend, Carhaul Teamsters covered under the National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement (NMATA) voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike in the event no agreement is reached before June 1. The in-person strike authorization vote was conducted by local unions and ballots were tabulated Monday. All members are instructed to continue working and report to work as normal until such time as officially instructed otherwise by the negotiating committee. The TNATINC resumed negotiations in Romulus, Mich. They are prepared to stay at the table until a tentative agreement is reached, or the contract expires. Read more here.

Reminder: The deadline to register for our Golf Outing is tomorrow 
May 26, 2022 Don't miss out! The entry fee and application must be submitted to the Local Office no later than 5 pm on Friday, May 27, 2022.

Teamsters Local 355
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